Cinax Designs Inc.


Technology: MediaLock


 MediaLock is a copy protection technology for multimedia content. The technology allows content producers to easily protect their copyrights prior to distribution. MediaLock technology is software based and works within the current MPEG broadcast standards. The encryption/scrambling methodology prevents piracy via several methods: frame scrambling, playtime decryption and a unique password system.



Frame Scrambling

Preview Capability

Unique Password System

Playtime Decryption

Systematic Royalty Recording


Frame Scrambling


MediaLock has two levels of security guarding the content, an outer shell and frame scrambling. MediaLock encrypts video and audio streams at the frame level by scrambling the frame sequences. Conventional methods of encryption only secure the outer shell, so once this outer shell has been broken video content is accessible for viewing and duplication.


Preview Capabilities

Preview clip is attached to the main video segment and can be viewed with any MPEG decoder. The main video segment may be viewed on any browser with our MediaLockViewer.


Unique Password System

Using a public private key system, passwords are produced for end-users to unlock encrypted video. Passwords are unique to the userÆs computer and the specific content, reducing the threat of digital duplication.


Play-Time Decryption

MediaLock decryption occurs in real-time, in memory, and does not rewrite unscrambled content on the hard drive or any other media.


Royalty Fulfillment

MediaLockServer tracks and records royalties as passwords are issued to viewers. Fulfillment is done simultaneously as the password is distributed to the end user.



Webcasters Internet, Intranet broadcast to desktop Video security or pay-per-view

Broadcasters Re-broadcasting of clip footage over Internet

Archives (News & film) Sale of archived footage

Video Producers Transportation to post production in a secure format

Studios Timed release of digital video content

Audio or Video Publishers Reproduction of analog content in digital format

Corporations Conditional broadcast transmission, video conferencing, and Intranet

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© 1997 Cinax Designs Inc.