Edge clipping provides a utility for cropping the video field, eliminating any undesired artifacts in the preparation and closing stages of the movie capture. Since the editing is done on previously encoded fields, the granularity of the cut operation is limited to editable frame boundaries. Multi-clip Concatenation enables a user to edit multiple clips independently and merge the resulting clip together seamlessly. The resulting clip can then be used as a master clip upon which any number of additional clips can be merged using the same process. In this manner, multiple clips can be merged together through repetitive iterations of the basic two-clip concatenation process. iFilmEdit Functions Include: Open: Opens the MPEG files and creates thumbnails. Customize: Select the exact frame to be displayed as thumbnail. Navigation: Play, pause, forward, rewind, go to start, go to end buttons. Mark In: Marks the current editable frame as the beginning of the clip. Also adjusts the corresponding "in" pointer position of the clip window on the scroll bar. Mark Out: Marks the current editable frame as the end of the clip. Adjusts the corresponding "out" pointer position of the clip window on the scroll bar. Preview: Plays the current edited clips within the active clip window from "start selection" position to "end selection" position. Record: Executes editing operation (crop or concatenation). Make Movie: Saves edited MPEG file and creates thumbnail. Plug-In: iFilmEdit open architecture allows for different plug-ins (VideCD) that will extend the functionnality of the editor. System Requirements: Operating System: Windows 95 or NT4.0 Hardware: