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Searching Maps and Creating Custom Reports
Searching is one task you'll perform often with Content Analyzer because it's such a versatile and powerful tool. You can easily find the information you need about your site's resources, and you can manipulate the results of your searches in a variety of ways to meet your needs. This chapter describes the basics of searching with Content Analyzer, and explains how to:
- Find information fast with Quick Searches Choose from a menu of handy Quick Searches with predefined search criteria. With just a click, you can find all the 404 broken links in your site, for example. Or, you can locate hidden objects or images without ALT strings.
- Create your own custom searches You can set up your own simple or complex searches. Searching the properties in a WebMap can be as simple as finding all objects in the map that have a particular text string in their names. Or, a search can be as complex as searching the currently visible map for HTML pages that have a particular modification date as well as a particular text string in their URLs. You can search through the entire map for specified criteria, or search through only those parts of the map that are currently visible. You can even search the results of a search.
- Manipulate the results of your searches When you perform a search, the results are reported in the Search Results window. You can organize the results to serve your needs by changing which properties are shown, reordering the columns, and more. You can also export the results to a database or spreadsheet, or to an HTML table.
- Specify criteria in the Search dialog box This chapter provides brief descriptions of all the search criteria you can specify.
- Understand the properties shown in the Search Results window This chapter lists each of the Search Results window properties by name, with possible values, a brief description, and the type of object the property applies to.
Topics in this chapter:
Searching Made Simple
Quick Searches
Custom Searches
Working with the Search Results Window
Search Dialog Box Criteria
Search Results Window Properties
Content Analyzer lets you search a WebMap for particular objects or links. For example, you can use one of Content Analyzer's built-in Quick Searches to find all the unavailable objects or images without ALT strings in your site. Or perhaps you're looking for an object that has a particular text string in its name.
The results of a search appear in the Search Results window. You can use the results to:
In this chapter, you'll learn how to use Content Analyzer to perform searches, and how to make the most of the Search Results window. For some other real-world examples using searches, see Chapter 8, Site Management Tips & Techniques.
Important Note: When Content Analyzer searches a WebMap, it searches through properties in the map, not through the contents of the Web site's resources.
The easiest and fastest way to search a map is to use Content Analyzer's predefined searches. With just a click, you can find all your broken links, hidden objects, images without ALT strings, and more. Eight pre-set searches are available on the Tools|Quick Search menu:
When you choose one of these searches from the Quick Search menu, Content Analyzer searches the entire map and then displays the Search Results window (see "Working with the Search Results Window" for details on how to use and customize results windows).
Quick searches are designed to be just that--quick. If you find yourself performing other searches frequently, you can add your own quick searches to the Quick Search menu, as described in the next topic.
Although Content Analyzer gives you a few quick searches for things many Webmasters are interested in, you'll probably want to create a few of your own. Once you've done so, your custom quick searches will appear in the Quick Search menu, as well as in the Search Type list of the Custom Search dialog box.
For example, Content Analyzer provides a Quick Search for pages with a load size over 32K, since most Webmasters know that pages that take a long time to download can be a nuisance to people with slow Internet connections. But deciding how big is too big is rather subjective. Perhaps you're more concerned when the load size of your pages is 100K or larger. Here's what you'd do to customize your search:
- Choose Custom Search from the Tools menu, or click the Custom Search button on the Main toolbar. The Search dialog box appears.
- Set up the Search dialog box like this:
- Click Save. In the Search Name field, enter a name for this search--for instance, pages100K. Notice that your new Quick Search now appears selected in the Search Type list.
Be aware that you are saving the specific search criteria you set up; you're not saving the map of the site.
- Click Search to perform the search.
You can create as many Quick Searches as you like; they'll appear in alphabetical order on the Quick Search menu.
You use the Search dialog box (choose Custom Search from the Tools menu) to search a WebMap for objects that match the criteria you specify. You can specify both primary and secondary search criteria (to perform And searches, which find objects that match both primary and secondary criteria, and Or searches, which find objects that match at least one of the two criteria).
The search criteria you can specify includes the following:
For descriptions of each search criteria you can specify, see "Search Dialog Box Criteria."
One simple search you're likely to use frequently is to look for objects that have a particular text string in one of their map properties (not in the contents of the resource object itself). For example, you might want to know where a product name is being used in hyperlink text. (For a detailed description of the fields in the Custom Search dialog box, see "Search Dialog Box Criteria.")
- Choose Custom Search from the Tools menu, or click the Custom Search button on the Main toolbar.
The Search dialog box appears.
- Set up the Search dialog box to look like this:
In the Modifiers list, "Contains" means that the text string you specify can occur anywhere in the field you specify.
- In the Text String box, type the text you want to search for.
- Select Match Case if you want to search for the text string that matches exactly the capitalization you typed.
- Click Search.
The Search Results window appears, showing all map objects that have the specified text string in any of their fields.
You can direct Content Analyzer to find all objects or links that do not match certain criteria. For example, if you want to find all pages that don't have the words "Special Offer" in their titles, do the following:
- Choose Custom Search from the Tools menu, or click the Custom Search button on the Main toolbar.
The Search dialog box appears.
- Set up the Search dialog box to look like this:
All pages with titles that don't contain the words "Special Offer" are listed in the Search Results window.
The Advanced search criteria area of the Search dialog box is where you set up And or Or (Boolean) searches. For example, you could narrow a search by looking for all files that were created before a certain date and have a particular text string in their Private Notes field (an And search). Conversely, you could broaden a search by identifying all files that have at least one of two text strings in their Name field (an Or search).
- Choose Custom Search from the Tools menu, or click the Custom Search button on the Main toolbar.
- Specify the primary set of search criteria. For a description of search criteria, see "Search Dialog Box Criteria."
- Click Advanced. The dialog box expands and shows the advanced search criteria area.
- Choose whether you want the two sets of criteria to be related by an And or an Or.
- Specify the advanced search criteria in the right side of the dialog box.
- If you want to save the advanced search, click Save. Then, enter the name of the search in the Search Name field. (Your new search now appears selected in the Search Type list.)
- Click Search.
Working with the Search Results Window
When you perform a search, the results appear in the Search Results window, which offers a great deal of additional information about the objects and links Content Analyzer found. The results window is a table that lists objects or links, shown with columns of either Content Analyzer's default properties (for information about the default properties columns settings, see "Object and Link Properties") or whatever properties you've configured (see "Determining which Properties Appear in the Search Results Window").
You can do any of the following tasks with some or all of the objects shown in the results window:
In general, you can do anything in the results window that you can do in the map window: display an object in your Web browser, view and change properties for objects and links, change labels, verify broken links, and much more. What's more, you can even search the results of a search to further refine the list of reported objects. And when the results window contains exactly the map objects and associated properties you're interested in, you can export the contents to use in a database or spreadsheet application or as an HTML-formatted site report.
The Search Results window is synchronized with the associated map window. When you select an object in the results window, the object is automatically selected in the map window. You can also do the following in the results window:
Object and Link Properties
The Search Results window shows the properties of the objects or links that Content Analyzer found, one property to a column. Properties include the hyperlink text, link URL, HTTP status (404, and so on), the number of InLinks pointing to the object, and more. To change a column's width, click and drag the column boundaries. You can also change which properties appear in the results window (see "Determining which Properties Appear in the Search Results Window"). See "Search Results Window Properties" for a list with descriptions of all the object and link properties that can appear in the results window.
Content Analyzer has default settings that determine which properties are shown in the Search Results window. For a complete list of all available properties with descriptions for each, see "Search Dialog Box Criteria." If you want to change which properties are shown or change the order of the columns, see "Determining which Properties Appear in the Search Results Window."
The properties that automatically appear in the Search Results window are determined by a checkbox option available in the Program Options dialog box.
By default, this checkbox--called In Results Window Change Columns Based on Object Type--is selected. When this checkbox is selected, the results window automatically shows Content Analyzer's default set of standard properties for the type of object you searched for (see "Default Properties Column Settings"). For example, images often have ALT strings, an attribute that other objects such as pages don't have. Content Analyzer's default behavior is to automatically provide the ALT string property (IMG/ALT) in the Search Results window when you search for images. If you search for pages, however, Content Analyzer won't show the ALT string property because it doesn't apply to pages. (Note that when you search for multiple object types--for example, in an Or search--the Search Results window cannot show the default properties columns for more than one object type.)
At times, you may want the Search Results window to show you a generalized set of properties instead of specific properties for specific objects. To get the more generalized search results, clear the checkbox called In Results Window Change Columns Based on Object Type before you perform the search.Be aware that when this checkbox is cleared, Content Analyzer retains the search criteria from your last search, no matter which object type you choose.
Note: Before you perform a search, you can determine which properties will appear in the Search Results window by using the In Results Window Change Columns Based on Object Type checkbox. After performing a search, you can change the properties column configuration in the results window by using either the Quick Columns command or the Result Columns command (see "Changing the Properties and Column Order in the Search Results Window").
- Choose View|Program Options, and then choose the General tab.
- Make sure the In Results Window Change Columns Based on Object Type checkbox is selected. (Otherwise, the properties columns won't be based on object type.)
- Click Apply, then click OK.
For a list the default properties columns that Content Analyzer automatically shows in the Search Results window, see "Object and Link Properties."
Once you've performed a search operation, you'll often want to see only certain properties of the reported objects. For example, perhaps you've searched for images, and you want the Search Results window to show only properties that apply specifically to images. You can arrange the columns in the results window to show only those properties you're interested in. The Result Columns and Quick Columns commands on the View menu give you the flexibility to make the following changes to the results window:
In an active results window, you can also right-click any column heading (for example "Label") and then choose Quick Columns or Columns from the right-click menu.
- Choose View|Columns|Result Columns (or right-click any column heading in the active results window, and then choose Columns). The Result Columns dialog box appears.
The Show These Properties list box on the right shows the properties that are currently displayed in the results window. The Available Properties scroll list on the left shows all available properties, including those that are not relevant to your search.
- To sort the list of available properties by search object, select the Show Types checkbox (below the Available Properties scroll list). Now you can see that properties in the list are grouped by their relevance to search object types. The A group of properties are relevant to All Objects, the B group to both Objects and Links, the G group to Gateways, and so on.
- To add properties you want the results window to show, select the properties from the Available Properties scroll list, and then click Add. The properties appear in the Show These Properties list box. (You can also double-click a property to move it from one column to the other.)
To group and move several properties: Ctrl-click each property and then click Add; or, click the first property in a sequence of properties you want to select, then Shift-click the last property in the sequence, and then click Add.
Note: If you add an irrelevant property to the Show These Properties list, the Search Results window reports "n/a" (for not applicable) in that irrelevant property's column. For example, if you search for Pages and configure the results window to show the ALT string property (IMG/ALT, which is relevant only for images), you'll see "n/a" in the IMG/ALT column in the Search Results window. This is different from a blank field in the results window, which means that although the property is relevant, there is no value to report for it.
- If you want to add all of the properties available, click Add All. If you change your mind and want to start with a clean slate, click Remove All.
- To remove properties you don't want displayed, select the properties in the Show These Properties list, and then click Remove. The properties appear in the Available Properties scroll list. (You can also double-click a property to move it from one column to the other.)
To group and move several properties: Ctrl-click each property and then click Remove; or, click the first property in a sequence of properties you want to select, then Shift-click the last property in the sequence, and then click Remove. If you change your mind and want to start with a clean slate, click Remove All.
- You can also reorder the properties columns (described in the section that follows this procedure).
- When you've finished making changes in the results window, check the Quick Columns choice at the top left of the Result Columns dialog box before you click Done.
Warning: The changes you've made in the Result Columns dialog box will be applied to the current Quick Columns choice when you click Done. To avoid overwriting a Quick Columns arrangement you want to keep, save your changes with a new column arrangement name before you click Done (see "Saving Your Own Quick Columns"). If you want to change Content Analyzer's default Quick Column arrangements, see "Changing Quick Columns Defaults."
- Choose View|Columns|Result Columns (or right-click any column heading in the active results window, and then choose Columns). The Result Columns dialog box appears.
- Select a property in the Show These Properties list and click Move Up or Move Down. (To group and move several properties, Ctrl-click them and then click Move Up or Move Down.)
- You can also change which properties columns to show in the results window (described previously).
- When you've finished arranging columns, select the Quick Columns choice at the top left of the Result Columns dialog box before you click Done.
Warning: The changes you've made in the Result Columns dialog box will be applied to the current Quick Columns choice when you click Done. To avoid overwriting a Quick Columns arrangement you want to keep, save your changes with a new column arrangement name before you click Done (see "Saving Your Own Quick Columns"). If you want to change Content Analyzer's default Quick Column arrangements, see "Changing Quick Columns Defaults."
- When you're satisfied with your changes, click Done. In the active results window, the properties columns appear (from left to right) in the order that you rearranged them in the Show These Properties list.
Changing How Properties are Sorted
It's easy to change the way properties are sorted in the Search Results window. For example, if you want to see which images on your site have most recently been modified, click the column heading for the Modified Date property. The dates in the column will be rearranged in descending order to show the most recent dates first. (To reverse the order, click the column heading again. Note that blank fields always remain at the bottom of the list.) If you want to sort by two properties, click the column header for a second property. The properties columns you can sort in descending order are: Hits, Size, Load Size, Date, Modified Date, and links properties that show a number value (InLinks, InLinks-Offsite, InLinks-Onsite, InLinks-Referral, Links, Links-Broken, Links-Offsite, Links-OnPage, and Links-Onsite).
You'll probably want to save your own custom column arrangements for specific search results you need. (For information on changing properties and reordering columns in the results window, see "Changing the Properties and Column Order in the Search Results Window").
To save your Quick Columns
- When you're satisfied with your changes in the Results Column dialog box, click New.
- In the New dialog box that appears, specify the name for your new column arrangement (for example, MyPageColumns), and click OK. (MyPageColumns now appears selected in the Quick Columns list.)
- Click Done, and your new column arrangement appears in the active results window.
- If you want to delete a column arrangement, choose it from the Quick Columns list and then click Delete.
Changing Quick Columns Defaults
Content Analyzer comes with a set of default properties column arrangements for each search object type: Default, Gateways, Images, Internet Services, Links, Other, and Pages. These arrangements are available on the Quick Columns list. (For information about the defaults, see "Default Properties Column Settings.") To choose column arrangements from the Quick Columns list, you can right-click a column heading in the Search Results window or choose View|Quick Columns. But you can only change column defaults using the Result Columns dialog box.
Warning: Once you change Content Analyzer's default Quick Column arrangements, you can't retrieve them. However, you can re-create them (see "Default Properties Column Settings").
- Choose View|Columns|Result Columns, or right-click a column heading in the active results window and then choose Columns. The Result Columns dialog box appears.
- From the Quick Columns list, choose the default column arrangement (IMAGES, for example) that you want to change.
- Make the changes you want, and then click Done. Your changes replace the default column arrangement.
Exporting Search Results
You can export the items in a results window to a file and print that file. Exporting information from a WebMap is especially useful if you want to create your own site reports (based on your search results) or if you use a database or spreadsheet to keep track of site information.
Search results exported into a database application
Search results exported into a spreadsheet
You can export your search results either as an HTML table or as a tab-delimited file suitable for exporting to a database or spreadsheet. The HTML option allows you to create your own site reports from search results you've customized for your particular needs. (See Chapter 8, Site Management Tips & Techniques, for helpful search examples. See Chapter 4, Working with HTML Reports, for information on the standard site reports that Content Analyzer can generate automatically.)
For tab-delimited files, columns are separated by tabs, and rows are separated by a newline character. Your database or spreadsheet application might ask you for this information when you try to import the file.
- Make sure the results window shows the information you want to export. (You can delete a line of information by selecting it and pressing your keyboard's Delete key.)
- Make the results window active, and choose File|Export|Results. The Export Results dialog box appears.
- From the Format list, choose the file format you want to export to.
- Specify the directory and name for the export file, or accept the defaults Content Analyzer suggests: Search.htm or Search.txt.
- Click OK. Content Analyzer exports the information to the specified file name.
Search Dialog Box Criteria
To display the Search dialog box, choose Tools|Custom Search, or click the Custom Search button on the Main toolbar.
The topics that follow describe each of the search criteria you can specify.
Use the Search list to specify which part of the map you want to search.
Use the Search Type list to choose the type of search you want. You can choose the default custom search, or one of your saved searches (see "Creating Your Own Quick Searches"), or one of Content Analyzer's Quick Searches.
Use the Object Type list to specify whether you want to search for all objects that match the criteria or objects of a particular type that match the criteria. You can also search for links. Searching for links is different from searching for the other object types (All Objects, Pages, Images, and so on).
Use the Field list to specify which map field you want Content Analyzer to search in. The available field options are determined by what you choose in the Object Type list. Many of the field options correspond to label options in the Labels dialog box or to properties displayed in the Properties dialog box. The default field is <all text fields> (except for links).
If you choose All Objects as the object type, the following options are available in the Field list. These options are also available for the other items in the Object Type list (except for links).
Description (Searches for)
<all objects of type> (default)
Objects of the specified object type. You don't need to enter any additional search criteria.
<all text fields>
Objects with the text string you specify in the Text String field. Select Match Case if you want the text string capitalization to exactly match the searched items
The name of the person who is responsible for the object. Enter the name in the Text String field, and select Match Case if you want the text string capitalization to exactly match the searched items.
Objects that are unavailable for one of a number of reasons. Choose True (default) or False in the Value field.
Objects with the date you specify in the Value field. (The date format is retrieved from the Windows Regional Settings Properties in the Control Panel.)
file name
Objects with the file name you specify in the Text String field. For example, in the URL http://www.microsoft.com/project/phase1.htm, the file name is phase1.htm.
Objects that are not visible because you either hid them with the Hide Object command on the View menu or right-click menu, or you selected the Hide All Routes checkbox in the Properties dialog box for selected objects.
Hidden Alt
Objects with hidden alternate routes. Hidden alternate routes are not visible because you selected the Hide All Alternate Routes checkbox in the Properties dialog box for the selected object.
Objects with the number of hit counts you specify in the Value field (for example, all objects with a hit count greater than 250). The hit counts are imported from the usage data.
HTTP Status
Objects with the HTTP status code you specify in the Value field (for example, 404, which means the object was not found).
Hyperlink Text
Objects with the hyperlink text string (the text you would click to activate the link) you specify in the Text String field. Select Match Case if you want the text string capitalization to exactly match the searched items.
Objects with the number of InLinks you specify in the Value field. For example, you can search for all objects that have more than 50 InLinks.
Objects with the number of offsite InLinks you specify in the Value field. For example, you can search for all objects that have more than 20 offsite InLinks
Objects with the number of onsite InLinks you specify in the Value field. For example, you can search for all objects that have more than 200 onsite InLinks.
Objects with the number of referrals you specify in the Value field. A referral is an offsite InLink imported as usage data.
Objects at the level in the Tree view you specify in the Value field. The home page is considered level 1, its children are level 2, and so on.
Link URL
Objects with the link URL you specify in the Text String field. The link URL is as it occurs in the HTML page and can be relative or absolute.
Local Path
Objects with the local directory path and file name you specify in the Text String field.
Objects with the MIME type you specify in the Text String field. You can specify either the "major" or "minor" portion of a MIME type (for example, "image" or "gif") or both parts (for example, "text/html").
Modified Date
Objects with the last-modified date you specify in the Value field. The date format is retrieved from the Windows Regional Settings Properties in the Control Panel.
Objects with the name string you specify in the Text String field. (Name is displayed on the Annotations tab in the Properties dialog box.) If you did not change the name, the default name for pages is the HTML TITLE tag text.
Objects with the Notes text string (displayed in the Notes section on the Annotations tab) you specify in the Text String field. Select Match Case if you want the text string capitalization to exactly match the searched items.
Private Notes
Objects with the Private Notes text string (displayed in the Private Notes section on the Annotations tab) you specify in the Text String field. Select Match Case if you want the text string capitalization to exactly match the searched items.
Referrer URL
Objects with at least one referrer URL that matches the text string you specify in the Text String field. Select Match Case if you want the text string capitalization to exactly match the searched items.
Objects with the size (in bytes) you specify in the Value field. (Searches for all objects except Internet Services.)
Source Path
Objects with the path name (displayed in the Source Path field on the Annotations tab) of the file that you want to edit. Specify the path name in the Text String field. Select Match Case if you want the text string capitalization to exactly match the searched items.
Objects whose existence/accessibility Content Analyzer has not verified. Choose True (default) or False in the Value field.
Objects with the text string in their URLs. Specify the text string in the Text String field. For example, you could search for all objects that contain the word microsoft in their URL addresses. Select Match Case if you want the text string capitalization to exactly match the searched items.
If you choose Pages as the object type, the following fields become available in addition to the fields listed for All Objects. Content Analyzer searches only for pages that match the search criteria.
Note: The fields that are capitalized are HTML tags or attributes. The descriptions of these tags and attributes are brief summaries; for more information, consult an HTML reference manual.
Additional Fields for Pages
Description (Searches for)
Whether or not pages containing an embedded application (typically Java) exist. Choose True (default) or False in the Value field.
Whether or not pages containing an optional BASE tag exist. BASE indicates where a page was originally located. Choose True (default) or False in the Value field.
Whether or not pages containing a BASEFONT tag exist. BASEFONT specifies the default font size for the page. Choose True (default) or False in the Value field.
Whether or not pages containing a BGSOUND tag exist. BGSOUND inserts an inline audio snippet. Choose True (default) or False in the Value field.
Whether or not pages (and images) containing a BACKGROUND attribute exist. BACKGROUND specifies that an image be used as a window background (like wallpaper). Choose True (default) or False in the Value field.
Pages with a background color you specify in the Text String field. Select Match Case if you want the text string capitalization to exactly match the searched items. The text string must be the hexadecimal equivalent of an RGB color value, such as #BD0062. Consult an HTML manual for more information.
Whether or not pages containing an EMBED tag exist. EMBED allows a variety of documents (such as audio and video) to be embedded in an HTML document. Choose True (default) or False in the Value field.
Whether or not pages containing a FORM tag exist. FORM builds a document (a form) that typically consists of radio buttons, lists, checkboxes, and menus. Choose True (default) or False in the Value field.
Whether or not pages containing the FRAMESET tag exist. FRAMESET allows a page to be partitioned into a collection of independent framed panes. Choose True (default) or False in the Value field.
Pages with the text string in their headings (tagged by H1, H2, H3, and so on) you specify in the Text String field. Select Match Case if you want the text string capitalization to exactly match the searched items.
Whether or not pages (and images) containing an IMG/ISMAP attribute exist. IMG/ISMAP specifies that the object is a server-side imagemap. Choose True (default) or False in the Value field.
Whether or not pages (and images) containing an IMG/USEMAP attribute exist. USEMAP specifies that the object is a client-side imagemap. Choose True (default) or False in the Value field.
Whether or not pages that contain an ISINDEX tag exist. ISINDEX enables pages with gateway scripts to be examined with a keyword search. Choose True (default) or False in the Value field.
Pages with the number of links (all link types) you specify in the Value field.
Pages with the number of broken links you specify in the Value field.
Pages with the number of offsite links you specify in the Value field.
Pages with the number of links you specify in the Value field.
Pages with the number of onsite links you specify in the Value field.
Load Size
Pages with the load size, in bytes, you specify in the Value field. Load size is the file size of the page itself plus the combined sizes of all inline resources.
Whether or not pages containing the Internet Explorer MARQUEE tag exist. MARQUEE allows a text string to be scrolled horizontally on the page. Choose True (default) or False in the Value field.
Whether or not pages containing the META tag exist. META tags provide a place to put meta-information or notes. META tag data can also be imported into the Annotations tab of the Properties dialog box. See "Using META Tag Data in Your Maps" in Chapter 8, "Site Management Tips & Techniques," for more information.
Whether or not pages containing the HTTP response header, REFRESH, exist. REFRESH instructs the browser to refresh the displayed page or to access another page at a specified URL.
Whether or not pages containing a NOFRAMES tag exist. NOFRAMES is for people who have browsers that don't understand the FRAMESET and FRAME tags).
Whether or not pages containing an OBJECT tag exist. OBJECT specifies meta-data about other URLs.
Pages containing a SCRIPT tag, which includes program scripts within an HTML document.
Pages containing a STYLE attribute of the HEAD tag. STYLE is a style sheet instruction that is used for formatting.
Pages containing a TABLE tag, which contains tabular data.
Pages with the text string in their HTML TITLE tag you specify in the Text String field. If the page has more than one TITLE tag, this option searches the first TITLE tag only. Select Match Case if you want the text string capitalization to exactly match the searched items.
If you choose Images as the object type, the following fields become available in addition to the fields listed for All Objects. Content Analyzer searches only for images that match the search criteria.
Note: When you specify IMG/ALIGN, IMG/ALT, IMG/HEIGHT, or IMG/WIDTH, the attribute value is taken from the first link to the image that Content Analyzer encounters; subsequent links to that image may have different attribute values.
If you choose Gateways as the object type, the following field becomes available in addition to the fields listed for All Objects. Content Analyzer searches only for gateways that match the search criteria.
If you choose Internet Services as the object type, you can use the fields listed for All Objects; no additional fields become available. Content Analyzer searches only for Internet services that match the search criteria.
If you choose Other as the object type, you can use the fields listed for All Objects; no additional fields become available. Content Analyzer searches only for other objects--audio files, PostScript files, WebMaps, and so on--that match the search criteria.
If you choose Links as the object type, the only fields available are those shown in the following table.
In the Modifier list, choose which search modifier you want to apply. The field option you choose determines which modifiers are available. When you choose a text field, the default modifier is Contains. When you choose a numeric field, the default modifier is Equals.
Use the Text String/Value text box to do any of the following:
Search Results Window Properties
The Search Results window shows the properties of objects and links that you've searched for. The following table lists all the object and link properties that can appear in the Search Results window.
Property Name
Applies to
True or False
Specifies whether or not the image is specified at least once in an anchor tag rather than in an IMG tag.
Specifies the name of the person responsible for the object if the name appears in the Author field in the Annotations tab of the Properties dialog box.
All Objects
True or False
Specifies whether or not the page contains a BASE URL, which indicates where a page was originally located.
True or False
Specifies whether or not the page contains a BASEFONT attribute, which indicates the default font size for the page.
True or False
For pages, the BACKGROUND attribute specifies that an image be used as a window background (like wallpaper). For images, the BACKGROUND attribute specifies that the image itself is used as a background image for a page.
Displays the hexadecimal equivalent of the RGB color value of the background color for the window, for example, #089394.
True or False
Specifies whether or not the page contains a BGSOUND attribute, which inserts an inline audio snippet into an HTML document.
True or False
For objects, specifies that the object itself is unavailable. For links, specifies the object the link points to is unavailable. (If an object is broken, all the links that point to that object are broken.)
Objects and Links
Displays the number of broken links on the page.
Displays a date if one appears in the Date field of the Annotations tab of the Properties dialog box. The date format is retrieved from the Windows Regional Settings in the Control Panel.
All Objects
True or False
Specifies whether or not the page contains an EMBED tag, which allows a variety of documents (such as audio and video) to be embedded in an HTML document.
Explore Status
Explored, Verified,
Unavailable, Robot Block
Specifies whether the object is explored, verified, unverified, unavailable, or robot-blocked. (See the glossary for definitions of these terms.)
All Objects
file name
Displays the file name of the object. For example, in the URL http://www.microsoft.com/project/phase1.htm, the file name is phase1.htm.
All Objects
First Heading
Displays the text in the first HTML heading (H1, H2, H3...) found on the page.
True or False
Specifies whether or not the page contains a FORM tag, which allows user input on a document that contains fill-in areas, such as checkboxes, buttons, lists, menus, and so on.
True or False
Specifies whether or not the page contains a FRAMESET tag, which partitions a page into independent framed pages.
From file name
Displays the file name of the page containing the link.
From Label
Displays the label of the page containing the link.
From URL
The full URL of the page containing the link.
True or False
Specifies whether or not the object is hidden. If the object is hidden, the information about the object appears in the Search Results window as disabled.
All Objects
Hidden Alt
True or False
Specifies whether or not the object's alternate routes are hidden. If the alternate routes are hidden, the information about them appears in the Search Results window dimmed.
All Objects
If you imported usage data, displays the number of times this object was visited by people who visited the site, or the number of times a particular link between two objects was traveled.
HTTP Status
Displays the HTTP status code (for example, 404, which means the object was not found). For a list of HTTP status codes, see "Determining Why a Link Is Broken" in Chapter 7, "Managing Links."
All Objects
Hyperlink Text
Displays the text the user clicks to activate the link or InLink.
All Objects
Imagemap URL
Displays the URL of the map script associated with a server-side imagemap.
Displays the first instance of the text string in the IMG/ALIGN attribute (left, center, or right).
Absent, Consistent, Inconsistent
Specifies whether or not the ALIGN attribute is absent or present in the IMG tag, and if present, whether it is used in a consistent or inconsistent manner when the image is used multiple times.
Displays the first instance of the text string in the ALT attribute of the IMG tag.
Absent, Consistent, Inconsistent
Specifies whether or not the ALT attribute is absent or present in the IMG tag, and if present, whether it is used in a consistent or inconsistent manner when the image is used multiple times.
Displays the height allocated to the image (by default, in pixels) in the first link to the image.
Absent, Consistent, Inconsistent
Specifies whether or not the HEIGHT attribute is absent or present in the IMG tags, and if present, whether it is used in a consistent or inconsistent manner when the image is used multiple times.
True or False
For pages, the ISMAP attribute means the page uses a server-side imagemap. For images, the ISMAP attribute means the image itself is used somewhere as a server-side imagemap.
True or False
Specifies whether or not the image has a LOWSRC attribute, which enables the image to have an alternative low resolution image.
True or False
Specifies whether or not the image is embedded in the HTML document (an inline image), as opposed to an image that is displayed alone.
True of False
For pages, the USEMAP attribute means the page uses a client-side imagemap. For images, the USEMAP attribute means the image itself is used somewhere as a client-side imagemap.
Displays the width allocated to the image (by default, in pixels) in the first link to the image.
Absent, Consistent, Inconsistent
Specifies whether or not the WIDTH attribute is absent or present in the IMG tags, and if present, whether it is used in a consistent or inconsistent manner when the image is used multiple times.
Displays the number of links pointing into this object.
All Objects
Displays the number of links from other sites pointing to this object.
All Objects
Displays the number of links from the same site pointing to this object.
All objects
Displays the number of distinct offsite URLs (which were imported with usage data) that link to the selected object.
All Objects
True or False
Specifies whether or not the page contains an ISINDEX tag, which enables pages with gateway scripts to be examined with a keyword search.
Displays the object's label, as currently used in the Tree and Cyberbolic views. This can be a variety of things, including the hypertext link.
All Objects
C, Perl, Visual Basic
The programming language the gateway script is written in. This property contains data only if you specified a language in the Gateway tab of the Properties dialog box.
Displays the level in the Tree view where this object exists. The home page is considered level 1, its children are level 2, and so on.
All Objects
Link URL
Displays the link URL of the object the link points to, as specified in the anchor (or other) tag. The link URL is most often relative (the path name is relative to the site's parent page), but can also be absolute (the full Internet address).
All Objects
Displays the number of all links on this page.
Displays the number of links that point to other pages or objects in another site.
Displays the number of links that point to the same page where the link originates.
Displays the number of links that point to other pages or objects in this site.
Load Size
Displays the page's load size. Load size is the file size of the page itself plus the combined sizes of all inline resources.
Local Path
Displays the complete local directory path and file name. The local path is only available if you've mapped from a file or have performed a site copy.
All Objects
Onsite, OnPage, or Offsite
Specifies whether the link or InLink originates on the same site (Onsite), points to a destination on the same page (OnPage), or originates on another site (Offsite).
True or False
Specifies whether or not the page contains a MARQUEE tag, which allows a text string to be scrolled horizontally on the page.
Displays POST or GET. The method is the process by which data entered in a form is passed to the CGI script for processing.
True or False
Specifies whether or not the page contains one or more META tags. META tags provide a place to put meta-information or notes. META tag data can also be imported into the Annotations tab of the Properties dialog box. See "Using META Tag Data in Your Maps" in Chapter 8, "Site Management Tips & Techniques," for more information.
Displays the object's MIME type. For example, image/gif or text/html.
All Objects
Modified Date
Displays the object's last-modified date.
All Objects
Displays the object's name. By default, Name is the value of the HTML TITLE tag for pages; there is no default for other objects.
All objects
True or False
Specifies whether or not the page contains a NOFRAMES tag, for people who have browsers that don't understand the FRAMESET or FRAME tags.
Displays the Notes text if text appears in the Notes field in the Annotations tab of the Properties dialog box.
All Objects
True or False
Specifies whether or not the page contains an OBJECT tag, which contains meta-data about other URLs.
Order on Page
Displays the order in which the link appears on its parent page.
Private Notes
Displays the Private Notes text if text appears in the Private Notes field in the Annotations tab of the Properties dialog box.
All Objects
True of False
Specifies whether or not the page contains a REFRESH tag, which specifies automatic page updating.
Return Type
Page, URL, URL/Page
Displays the type of response the particular gateway uses. This property contains data only if you specified a return type in the Gateway tab of the Properties dialog box.
Route Type
Main, Alternate
Specifies whether the link is on either a main route (black text) or an alternate route (green text).
True or False
Specifies whether or not the page contains a SCRIPT tag, which enables an HTML document to include program scripts, such as JavaScript.
Displays the size of an object, specified in bytes.
All except Internet Services
Source Path
Displays the object's source path if the source path appears in the Source Path field of the Annotations tab of the Properties dialog box.
All Objects
True or False
Specifies whether or not the page contains a STYLE tag, which specifies a style sheet.
True or False
Specifies whether or not the page contains a TABLE tag, which specifies a table layout.
The specified string in the HTML TITLE tag (the default name for pages).
True or False
Specifies whether or not an attempt has been made to verify an object's availability.
All Objects
Displays the fully-resolved URL, including the protocol and domain name.
All Objects
URL Path
Displays the URL path, which is everything after the domain name.
All Objects
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