This section provides a list of the files included with Microsoft NNTP Service for Microsoft Internet Information Server version 4.0. In addition, it provides information on moving newsgroups to different directories. The following table is the list of the files that are included with the service.
Directory |
File or subdirectory name |
Definition |
INetPub\News | Global.asa | Web-based Internet Service Manager Active Server Pages (ASP) |
INetPub\News \Admin |
*.asa |
Web-based Internet Service Manager Active Server Pages |
*.asp | Web-based Internet Service Manager Active Server Pages | |
*.gif | Web-based Internet Service Manager picture files | |
*.htm | Web-based Internet Service Manager HTML files | |
INetPub\News \Admin\Help |
*.htm |
Web-based Internet Service Manager HTML Help files |
INetPub\News \Admin\Images |
*.gif |
Web-based Internet Service Manager picture files |
INetPub\NntpFile | Article.hdr | Header file for Article table |
History.hdr | Header file for History table | |
Xover.hdr | Header file for Xover table | |
Article.hsh | Article hash table file | |
History.hsh | History hash table file | |
Xover.hsh | Xover hash table file | |
Group.lst | Group list file | |
Prettynm.txt | Synonyms for newsgroups | |
INetPub\NntpFile | \Drop | Drop directory |
\FailedPickup | Failed Pickup directory | |
\Pickup | Pickup directory | |
INetPub\NntpFile\Root | \_SLAVEGROUP | Feed directory |
\_Temp.Files_ | Temporary News files | |
INetPub\NntpFile \Root\Control |
\Cancel \NewGroup \RmGroup |
Control news groups |
INetPub\NntpFile \Root\Microsoft\Public\Ins |
0.xix |
Crossover file |
1000000.nws | Introduction news article file | |
%WinDir%\Help \News |
News.hhc |
Index file for HTML-based Help pages |
NntpCfg.hlp | Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in Help configuration file for Microsoft NNTP Service | |
NntpSnap.hlp | Microsoft NNTP Service MMC snap-in Help file | |
*.htm | Microsoft NNTP Service HTML Help files | |
*.gif | Microsoft NNTP Service HTML Help picture files | |
%WinDir%\System32 \INetSrv |
Nntpsvc.dll |
Microsoft NNTP Service binary file |
Isrpc.dll | Internal server file for remote procedure calls (RPCs) | |
Nntpsnap.dll | Microsoft NNTP Service MMC snap-in | |
Nntpadm.dll | Library of Microsoft NNTP Service administration interfaces | |
Jpudll.dll | IP address window class definition | |
Nntpfilt.dll | Used by Microsoft® Index Server to index Microsoft NNTP Service | |
Dt_ctrl.dll | Date control window class definition | |
Nntpread.txt | Readme file containing installation information | |
Seo.dll | Server Events support | |
Ddrop.dll | Directory Drop filter | |
Mail2nws.exe | Mail to news program | |
Nws2mail.exe | News to mail program | |
Nmlog.dll | Used for news to mail transaction logging | |
Nntpkey.dll | Microsoft NNTP Service Key Manager library | |
Nmadmin.dll | Used by news to mail | |
Qrydb.dll | Offline search database file | |
Qryobj.dll | Offline search query object file | |
Drive.exe | Offline search main program | |
*.tem | Offline search mail templates | |
Nntpapi.dll | Microsoft NNTP Service RPC client stubs | |
Nntpctrs.dll | Microsoft NNTP Service Performance Monitor counters library | |
Nntpctrs.ini | Microsoft NNTP Service Performance Monitor counters support | |
Nntpctrs.h | Microsoft NNTP Service Performance Monitor counters support | |
Nmctrs.dll | Performance Monitor counters for mail to news and news to mail programs | |
Exchmlng.dll | Active Messaging support library | |
Shlwapi.dll | Active Messaging support library | |
Infocomm.dll | MIME parsing object | |
Mimefilt.dll | MIMEOLE filtering library | |
Exstrace.dll | Tracing support | |
Regtrace.exe | Tool to enable and disable tracing support | |
Rexpire.vbs | Script for modifying expiration policies | |
Rgroup.vbs | Script for modifying groups | |
Rserver.vbs | Script for modifying NNTP sites | |
Rsess.vbs | Script for session management |