Groups Property Sheet

Use the Groups property sheet to create, modify, or remove newsgroups from Microsoft NNTP Service. You can configure newsgroups with a moderator who must approve articles before they are posted. You can also restrict Write access for the newsgroup to the moderator.

The Groups property sheet contains the following options:

Option Description
Create new newsgroup Enables you to create a new newsgroup.
Newsgroup The name of the new newsgroup.
Description A description of the newsgroup that can be displayed by clients.
Newsgroup pretty name Another name for the newsgroup returned by the List Prettynames NNTP command that can be displayed by clients. This option accepts Unicode characters so that you can specify a newsgroup name using the character set of another language.
Read only Restricts Write access to the newsgroup moderator.
Not moderated Posts articles without sending them to a moderator for approval (the default setting).
Moderated by the default newsgroup moderator Sends articles to the newsgroup moderator at the following e-mail address before they are posted:


where newsgroup is the name of the newsgroup and default_domain is the domain specified in the Default moderator domain box in the NNTP Settings property sheet.

Moderated by The e-mail address of the newsgroup moderator.
Newsgroup name Enables you to find a newsgroup by typing the first part of the newsgroup name and then choosing Find.
Limit results to The maximum number of newsgroups listed in the Matching newsgroups box.
Matching newsgroups The list of newsgroups defined for this news site.

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