To make your site available from the Internet, you must complete the following tasks.
- Establish a connection to the Internet. Lease a line from an Internet service provider (ISP) or a telephone company. Your provider installs a cable at your site that is plugged into the network interface card (NIC) in your computer. Usually a router is also installed between your computer and the ISP. When shopping for a provider, be sure to ask what type of connection is provided and whether the provider guarantees a minimum bandwidth. Also, check on the type of security offered.
- Obtain an IP address. Your ISP gives you an IP address, an Internet gateway (default gateway), and a subnet mask.
- Register a domain name. Your ISP can register your domain name for you, or you can register it yourself. InterNIC charges a fee to initially register your name, and after the first two years, charges a yearly maintenance fee to continue listing your domain name in their Name Servers. If you choose to have your ISP register your name, you pay the InterNIC fee and may also be charged an additional fee by the ISP.
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