Exporting an edit decision list An edit decision list (EDL) is necessary when you use Premiere for offline editing and plan to complete editing of source videotape or motion-picture film in a postproduction studio. An EDL contains the names of original clips, the In and Out points of those clips as they are used in a video program, and other editing information (such as split edits), depending on the EDL format. See Understanding offline and online editing. Premiere can export an EDL in formats compatible with various edit controllers, including CMX, Grass Valley, and Sony. A generic EDL format is also provided. Supported EDL formats exist as plug-ins stored in the Plug-ins folder inside the Premiere folder, so you can add support for a new EDL format in the future if a Premiere-compatible plug-in becomes available. Most EDLs are transported to and from postproduction facilities on 3.5-inch disks formatted for MS-DOSĀ®. On Mac OS, MS-DOS disks can be read automatically, formatted, and saved to using the PC Exchange software included with Mac OS. Producing Final Video > Exporting an edit decision list Related subtopics: |