About creating motion-picture film If you are editing a project for viewing on motion-picture film, first export the Premiere video program to a video file using high-quality settings. After you create the file, use a motion-picture film recorder, a hardware device that prints individual frames to motion-picture film frames. This service is most likely to be available from a postproduction facility. Motion-picture film can display more detail than most video formats, so your project may require a larger frame size than it would for videotape. The exact resolution you should use depends on the film stock to which you will print. For best results, discuss the project with your postproduction facility before you begin. An NTSC video frame is displayed using two alternating fields of scan lines in an interlaced format. A motion-picture frame appears all at once in a progressive display. When you create motion-picture film from clips that were originally digitized from interlaced video, be sure to set field options properly for each clip in the Timeline. This ensures that motion will play back properly. See Exporting a video. Producing Final Video > About creating motion-picture film |