Invert--AE The Invert effect inverts the color information of an image. Channel Specifies which channel or channels to invert. Each group of items operates in a particular color space, inverting either the entire image in that color space or just a single channel. RGB consists of three additive color channels: red, green, and blue. HLS consists of three calculated color channels: hue, lightness, and saturation. YIQ is the NTSC luminance and chrominance color space, where Y is the luminance signal, and I and Q are the inphase and quadrature chrominance signals. Alpha, not a color space, provides a way to invert the alpha channel of the image. Blend with Original Combines the inverted image with the original. You can apply a fade to the inverted image. Applying Effects > Video effects included with Premiere > Invert--AE |