External + MP3 Tunes Broadcasting

It's adviseable to go to Options->Output

De-activate "Use soundcard input" and let the caster (Shout/SAM record the audio from Soundcard input
Don't check "Only 1 output"
If you use a mic to talk thru your broadcast, then:

You must have installed the SAM 2 or Shoutcast DSP plugin to procede at Options->DSP

Here you can choose which caster you want to use, you may even use them both!
How to set them up is described in Using ShoutCast and Using SAM 2
Don't forget to setup:
- SAM 2 to use a Soundcard
- ShoutCast to use Soundcard input

You may also enable Title Streaming to the server, so everyone knows what yer playing.
Set this up in Options->Internet then your finnished :)