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Effector Setting View

The following dialog will be displayed if an effector(Dynamics, Space, Filter, etc) is called. Turn a knob previewing, click the OK button and apply the effect.

Original Control (Knob)

The parameter of an effector can be control using a knob.

Control Knob A white circle shows the present value, can be turned from lower left to lower right. Right click it and reset the value of it.
Control Editor Shows present value of its parameter. Double click it, a value of its parameter can be changed with the edit-box.
etc. A knob can be turned by turning a wheel of mouse. (depends on a device driver) In order to turn a knob sharply at once, turn a wheel pressing Shift button or quickly.
Press +/- or arrow(L/R) key placing the mouse-pointer on a knob, a knob can be turned.(same as turning a whee)
Right or Left Click near the knob, a value of the parameter will increase or decrease.

What's "Visual"?

This is not fot watching and enjoy onself, supports visual measurement.

Spectrum Analizer

This shows Frequency Characterintic of a sound. (for Dynamics, EQ...)

Phase Checker

This shows Phase Characteristic of a sound. (for Space-Effects)


Skin Right Click and select another skin. Place skin filder in Skin\Rec.
Monitor Switch use or not use the level-meter.

Right Click and the above dialog will be displayed. Monitor Thru outputs input.(However, there is some delay) Monitor Visual enables Visual when Monitor is active. Volume Control calls Windows Volume Control.


ü@Yellow triangle(üÑ) is a Mark. A Mark can be moved by draging. Right Click the time-display-belt, the above popup-menu will be displayed. Double Click between a Mark and anothr Mark, ithe range inserted into those Marks is chosen.

Functions about a Mark will be added from now on.


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