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What's "SoundEngine"?

This is full-scale 2ch Wave-Editor software.

  • OS : Windows 98/Me/2000(NT/95)
  • Sound File Format üF WAVüiPCM, any sampling-rate supported by your sound card, 8/16/24bit), üiequivalent to GOGO.DLL, VBMP3.DLLüj
  • Realtime Preview
  • Various functions to edit, over 30 effectors
  • Effect library
  • Recording with level meter monitoring.
  • Recording with through playing.
  • Wave form view with zoom up/down.
  • Cache function for high speed edit.
  • Analizing and visual function : spectrum analizer, phase checker
  • Batch processing of automaic volumeadjustment with Lumpy.exe.
  • Work without registry.
About emvironment of operation
ü@"SoundEngine Free" can waor on Windows(R). However, we don't check on 95/Me/NT/XP, since we develop it on 98/2000. And, please use "SoundEngine Free" under individual responsivility. (It means that there can be some bugs, but we can't take the responsibility since this is freeware, sorry.)

Just extract, and move to a suitable place the whole folder if needed.
Also in update, just overwrite the files.

üiIn case you use any DLLs, place it in the same folder withs SoundEngine.exe or %windir%\system32)

Uninstall Please delete the whole folder.
Purpose-oriented Usage

About Edit


Copy selection range Copy(Ctrl+C)
Delete selection range Delete(Del)
Insert from clip-board at head of selection range Paste(Ctrl+V)
Insert from clip-board and delete selection range Cut(Ctrl+T)


Delete except selection range Trim
Mix from clip-board Mix, Real Mix
Cross-fade with clip-board in selection range Cross Fade
Reverse selection range Reverse


Insert silence at selection range Insert Silence(Ins)
Silence selection range Silence
Delete silence in both ends of data automatically Both Ends Silence Delete(Z)
Insert silence at both ends of date Both Ends Silence Insert

About Effector


Adjudst dynamics to a cretain fixed standerd Auto Maximaize
Compress the sound Compressor -> RMS Compressor
Suppress noise using noise-gate Noise Gate

Space Adjust panpot, Shift R(orL)ch to make a feeling of a stereo Ch Delay & Pan
Monouralize, Expand sound Surround
Add Delay-Effect Normal Delay
Add a feel of a stereo to a monoural sound Space EQ

Filter Boost a certain frequency band Booster
Emphasize the outline of sound Enhancer & Emphasis
Low-Pass-Filter, High-Pass-Filter, etc... Filter
Divide sound into 3 on freq. axis, and adjust each. Isorator
Equorize sound. EQ -> Graphic EQ
Adjust tone by natural touch. Mostering Process

etc. Make sound distorted Distortion
Make sound wild Lo-Fi
Sway volume Tremoro
Sway pitch Vibrato

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