Collection Properties Dialog
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This dialog box is used to set the properties of individual collections. It is accessed from the File menu, or by right-clicking on a collection in the Collection Tree, and selecting "Properties".

Number of Items
This shows how many items are currently in the collection. It may be higher than the threshold of data retention (see below) since purging is not performed until shutdown.

Shows information about the database where this collection resides.

ID, Parent ID
Used to associate clips, and establish the hierarchy in the database.

Determines whether this collection is marked as "favorite". See Favorite Collections / Collection Navigation.

The title of the Collection.

Icon / Change Icon Button
Sets the icon of the clip, using the Select Bitmap Dialog.

Purging Rules
Here is where you control how ClipMate cleans out old data. You have several options, shown below.
·By number of items in the collection - as new items come in, old ones are trimmed and placed into the Overflow collection.  
·By age of clips - as items reach their "expiration date", they are marked as DELETED, and placed in the trashcan.  
·Never - No Automatic Deletion - these are considered "safe" collections, and no automatic purging is ever performed.  
For more information on the retention and overflow processes, see: Data Management

Garbage Avoidance
This feature lets you keep clutter out of your important collections, while you have them active.
·Accept new Clips - If enabled, then new Clips will go into this collection when it is active (currently selected in the Collection Tree). Otherwise, the new Clips will "bounce" into the first open collection in the tree, starting from the top. Collections marked as "Divert" will be shown in Red or Maroon on the Collection Tree.  
·Accept Duplicates - Some applications send a lot of duplicate information, especially when closing down. It can be a nuisance, so ClipMate rejects duplicates by default (you'll hear a "boing" sound when items are rejected). But sometimes you need to capture duplicates, such as when working with long lists of numbers. It is painful to copy 100 numbers from a spreadsheet, paste them somewhere else, and only end up with 85 of them. So we let you control the duplicate rejection at the collection level, so that you can set up some collections to accept duplicates.  
·Read Only - no changes at all will be recorded.  

Sort Key
Shows the sort key of the collection, used to order the Collections within the Collection Tree. It is normally manipulated by the move up/down function, but you can edit it directly here.