· | Open the ClipMate Explorer by pressing this button on the toolbar: ![]() |
· | You'll now see the expanded layout. This is called the ClipMate Explorer, as opposed to the "Traditional View" that you were in before.
· | On the right side of the screen is the list of Clips, called the ClipList.
· | Holding down the Ctrl key, click on Apple, Banana, etc. The direction matters, so work your way from the bottom to the top, to "glue" in the right order.
· | Press the Append button on ClipMate's toolbar: ![]() |
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· | You'll see a new item appear in the drop-down list, titled "Append: (5 Items)"
· | In Notepad, do a File | New to clear out anything remaining from the last lesson, and paste in your new data – you should see all 5 items appear as one block of new text.
Note: If ClipMate Explorer is taking up too much room, press Ctrl+E to go back to ClipMate Classic, or minimize Explorer.
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Next Lesson:
3A Auto-Append