How do I Move ClipMate To A New Computer?
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If you get a new PC (for whatever reason - we've heard hundreds) you'll certainly want to take ClipMate with you. This also applies to those of you recovering from hard drive crashes, rebuilds after virus attack, etc..

The process is simple:
1.Back up the data on the old machine, using File | Database Maintenance | Backup Database. You will now have a backup file named something like this: ClipMate6_DB_My Clips_2004-04-13_0041.ZIP. Note that the date and database name are part of the file name, and will be different on your system.  
2.Place the backup file somewhere that the new PC can get it*.  
3.Install a new version of ClipMate onto the new PC. Run the program, and establish your new database location. Enter your registration key, if you have it handy.  
4.Restore the data from the backup, using File | Database Maintenance | Restore Database From Backup.  

* You can transfer the ZIP file to the new PC using any method necessary. Including and not limited to: over a network, CD-R, ZIP disks, USB Flash devices, digital cameras (memory card acts like a disk drive), e-mail, laplink, etc.. It probably WON'T fit on a floppy diskette.