· | New Data Captured From Clipboard
· | Clipboard Emptied By Another Application
· | New Clipboard Data Ignored, due to duplicate or inappropriate data.
· | PowerPaste Complete
· | Append New Data Into Existing Clip
· | Network Update (New or Updated Data)
Custom Sounds
If you don't like the default sounds, you can override them by placing your own sound files (.wav files) into the ClipMate6 program directory, and naming as follows:
· | capture.wav - New Data Captured From Clipboard
· | erase.wav - Clipboard Emptied By Another Application
· | ignore.wav - New Clipboard Data Ignored
· | complete.wav - PowerPaste Complete
· | append.wav - Append
· | sonar.wav - Network Update
Note that the default sounds are not present in the program directory, as they are compiled right into the program. And you do not have to provide a complete set. So if you have a file such as "doorbell.wav" that you want to use for the "New Clip Captured" sound, copy it into the \program files\ClipMate6 directory, rename to "capture.wav", and then it should take effect immediately.
Tip: Be sure to keep the files small! You don't want to tie up your CPU or disk drive by playing large sounds during clipboard events. 8-16KB is a good size.