Startup/Recovery Menu
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Sometimes things go wrong with any program. And this is a way to get out of trouble when you find that ClipMate won't start correctly.

The Start/Recovery Menu is accessed by holding down the SHIFT key as you start the program. For example, if the program locks up during database logon, shut it down with the Windows task manager, hold down the SHIFT key, as you start it with the Start | Programs | ClipMate6 menu.

You should be presented with the following options:

Proceed Normally
Just log on normally - I didn't mean to open this menu.
Backup Database *
You will be presented with the Backup dialog during database logon
Restore Database *
You will be presented with the Restore Database dialog during database logon
Repair/Compact Database (Simple Repair) *
Old (built-into database engine) repair. Don't use this, use the nice new one below.
Comprehensive Database Repair *
Invokes the new database repair (re-org) function during database logon.
Open SQL Window *
Opens a window to operate on the database using SQL.
Abort ClipMate
Aborts ClipMate startup. Useful if you are trying to abort startup programs during windows startup (as you probably have the SHIFT held down for that reason.)
Reset Size/Position settings
Clears all size/position/font settings in the ClipMate portion of the registry. This is helpful if ClipMate has gotten into an odd location, perhaps off-screen.
Reset ALL ClipMate registry settings
Clears ALL settings in the ClipMate portion of the registry.
This is particularly useful when you want to "start over", or if the database is in an inaccessible location, such on a network drive that doesn't exist anymore.
Note that no data is removed by this option - but ClipMate will "forget" where the database resides. You'll be prompted for a new database location when you re-start.
Open LOG Directory
Just opens the directory where the log files reside, then aborts. Useful if tech support asks for the log files.
Open DATABASE Directory
Just opens the database directory, then aborts. Useful for any sort of manual database maintenance (in other words, not very useful).

* These options will be invoked once for each database. For most users, this means just once, for the MyClips database. But if you have multiple databases defined, each one will trigger this action as the logon occurs.