Safe Color Warnings in the Monitors
| Safe Color Warning icon |
| Step Forward One Field button |
| Step Backward One Field button |
In Color Correction mode, the Safe Color Warning icon (an orange triangle) appears in the top corner of a monitor in the Composer window if the frame currently displayed in that monitor exceeds the safe limits you have set.
 | |
Safe color warnings appear when you exceed limits in either field of the
frame if you are working with two-field media. To move through video
material one field at a time and see histograms for every field, use the Step
Forward One Field button or the Step Backward One Field button. In Color
Correction mode, these buttons are available on the Move tab of the
Command palette. You can also map these buttons to your keyboard to use
them quickly while using Color Correction mode.
Alongside the Safe Color Warning icon, color-coded warning indicators provide a visual indication of the limits that are being exceeded. There are three rows for these indicators. An indicator appears in the top row if the limit is being exceeded at the high end and in the bottom row if the limit is being exceeded at the low end. If a limit type is within safe limits, an indicator appears in the center row. The following table lists the limit types and their associated colors as they appear left to right in each row.
Safe Color Warning Indicators
Composite | Yellow |
Luminance | White |
RGB Gamut: Red | Red |
RGB Gamut: Green | Green |
RGB Gamut: Blue | Blue |
The following illustrations show the layout of the Safe Color Warning display in the monitors, with examples of two typical presentations of Safe Color information.