Using the ChromaWheel Crosshair Pointers
Each ChromaWheel control contains a crosshair pointer that identifies the currently selected point on the wheel. Each pointer has a distinctive appearance to help you distinguish them from one another. The following table shows the three pointers.
Hue Offsets ChromaWheel Crosshair Pointers
Shadows |
Midtones |
Highlights |
To move the crosshair pointer in a ChromaWheel control:
1. | |
Click anywhere in the wheel, and press and hold the mouse button.
The standard mouse pointer disappears, and the crosshair pointer is
dynamically linked to the mouse.
2. | |
Drag the crosshair pointer around in the wheel until you are satisfied
with the adjustment, and then release the mouse button.
 | |
For more precise control over the movement of the crosshair pointer in the
central area of the wheel, press and hold the Shift key while performing the
actions in this procedure.