Working with Color Correction Effect Templates in the Effect Palette
The following list of reminders and suggestions can help you work quickly when you are using saved Color Correction effect templates in the Effect Palette.
  Press Ctrl+8 (Windows) or Command+8 (Macintosh) to open the Effect Palette or to make the Effect Palette active.
The Effect Palette becomes inactive whenever you perform an action in another area of the interface (for example, when you move the position indicator in the Timeline). Pressing Ctrl+8 (Windows) or Command+8 (Macintosh) is a quick keyboard method for reactivating the Effect Palette. The Effect Palette must be active before you can use it to apply a Color Correction effect template.
  Use the Tab key to make one side or the other of the Effect Palette active.
For example, if the effect categories list on the left side of the Effect Palette is active, press the Tab key to activate the list of templates on the right side. Press the Tab key again to activate the effect categories list. Clicking a specific item in either list also activates that side of the Effect Palette.
  To display a group of effect templates in the Effect Palette, select the bin or the color-corrected sequence that contains the templates in the effect categories list on the left side of the palette.
  Use the Up Arrow and Down Arrow keys to move through the active list.
For example, you can quickly move from the most recent correction to the third most recent in the list by pressing the Down Arrow key twice.
  The Effect Palette remembers the currently selected item in the list of corrections even when it becomes inactive or is closed.
For example, if you have the most recent correction in the list selected and then leave the Effect Palette to perform another operation or close the Effect Palette, that correction will be the selected correction when you reactivate or reopen the Effect Palette.
This makes it easy to apply the same template successively to a number of segments, especially if you have navigation buttons such as Fast Forward, Rewind, Go to Next Uncorrected Shot, and Go to Previous Uncorrected Shot mapped to the keyboard. Once you have the template you want selected in the Effect Palette, you simply navigate to another segment, press Ctrl+8 (Windows) or Command+8 (Macintosh) to activate the Effect Palette, and then press Enter (Windows) or Return (Macintosh) to apply the template.
See Also
Understanding How Color Correction Effect Templates Save Settings
Saving a Color Correction Effect Template to a Bin
Saving a Color Correction Effect Template to a Bucket
Applying Color Correction Effect Templates

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