Applying Color Correction Effect Templates
To apply all adjustment values in a Color Correction effect template to
the current segment, do one of the following in Color Correction
Click the effect icon for the template in the bin, the Effect Palette, or
the Color Correction bucket icon holder, and drag it to the monitor
containing the current segment.
Select the template in the bin or the Effect Palette, and then press Enter
(Windows) or Return (Macintosh).
Click the appropriate Color Correction bucket (for example, C1).
If you have mapped the Color Correction bucket to the keyboard, press
the appropriate key.
The system applies all the Color Correction adjustments in the
template to the segment that is the current location of the position
To apply adjustment values from a Color Correction effect template
selectively to a single tab of color correction controls:
1. | |
In the Color Correction tool, click the tab to which you want to apply
the template.
2. | |
Click the effect icon for the template in the bin, the Effect Palette, or
the Color Correction bucket icon holder, drag it to the tab, and drop it
anywhere in the tab.
The controls in that tab update to reflect the values in the template.
Other color correction controls are not affected.
 | |
If you apply template settings to a subdividing tab in the HSL group, the
image in the monitor does not reflect those settings until you enable the
HSL group tab.
 | |
If you apply a saved Color Correction effect template to a segment that
already has a color correction, you overwrite the existing correction. The
existing Color Correction settings are lost. Make sure you want to replace
the existing correction before you apply a saved Color Correction effect
template to a clip that already has a correction. You can use the Undo
command to undo the effect of a Color Correction effect template.
However, once the Undo command is no longer available, you cannot
recover the original Color Correction settings.
To apply all adjustment values in a Color Correction effect template to
multiple segments:
1. | |
In editing or Effect mode, select the segment to which you want to
apply the Color Correction effect template.
2. | |
Open the bin that contains the Color Correction effect template.
3. | |
Double-click the Color Correction effect template icon in the bin or in
the Effect Palette.
The application applies the Color Correction effect template to each of
the selected segments.