| Description
| |||
Start Filler Duration | Type the amount of filler you want to appear by default when you select Clip > Add Filler at Start. | |||
Find Flash Frames Shorter Than n frames | Type the maximum number of flash frames you want the system to detect. The default is 10, which tells the system to detect clips with 9 frames or fewer. See Finding Flash Frames. | |||
Auto-Patching | When this option is selected, the system automatically patches the enabled source tracks to the tracks enabled in the Timeline sequence. | |||
Auto-Monitoring | When this option is selected, the track you patch to is monitored. This option is selected by default. | |||
Segment Drag Sync Locks | When this option is selected and sync locks are enabled, you can move segments in the Timeline and maintain sync between audio and video. After moving a segment in the Timeline, this option maintains sync by adding filler to the location from which the segment was moved, and to the location on all other sync-locked tracks that corresponds to the new location of the segment you moved. You can move either an audio clip or a video clip. | |||
Default Snap-To Edit | Allows a clip, when dragged from a bin to the Timeline, to either snap to a transition point or move freely on the track. If the option is selected, the clip snaps to an existing transition endpoint. If the option is deselected, the clip moves freely to any position on the track. This option is selected by default. | |||
Dupe Detection Handles | Select the size of the handles, in frames, to use for dupe checking. The chosen number of frames is added at the beginning and the end of each clip before checking for overlap. The handles are used only for internal calculations.