Using Film Options
Film Options on an Avid Xpress Pro system, along with the standalone FilmScribe application and the Matchback option, allow you to generate a film cut list from a 30-fps or 25-fps video project that uses film as the source material. This video-to-film conversion is useful in a variety of matchback circumstances, including:
  Generating a videotape master for the project along with a final cut on film
  Generating pull lists for retransferring selects at high quality before online editing
Film Options also enable the following features:
To use
Dupe detection in the Timeline
Script integration
Ink numbers and auxiliary ink numbers
Additional timecode information
Film-style fades and dissolves
  For more information about the FilmScribe application, see the Avid FilmScribe User's Guide or the Avid FilmScribe Help.
  Your system might not include Film Options. To purchase Avid Xpress Pro, contact your Avid sales representative.
See the following topics:
  Setting Up a Matchback Project
  Selecting Film Settings

Some features described in Help are available only in Avid Xpress Pro or Avid Xpress DV. For more information about Avid Free DV go to