Deck Preferences Settings
Deck Preferences Settings Options 
When the deck contains no tape Log as
Select the timecode format (Drop Frame or Non-drop Frame) for logging clips when no tape is in the deck. When a tape is in the deck, the system automatically uses the existing timecode format on the tape.
Allow assemble edit for digital cut
When this option is selected, you can use the assemble-edit features in the Digital Cut tool along with the assemble-editing capabilities of your record deck. Select this option to record frame-accurate digital cuts quickly and without striping entire tapes in advance. For more information about digital cuts and assemble editing, see Main Topics: Output Options.
Stop key pauses deck
This option defines the function of the Stop key (space bar) on the keyboard. Select this option to map the space bar to the Pause button on the deck. Deselect this option to map the space bar to the Stop button.
If the videotape heads are down in "Stop key pauses deck" mode, pressing the space bar brings up the heads and pauses the deck.
The Stop button in the Capture tool always stops the decks.
Shuttle holds speed
When this option is selected, the Shuttle button continues shuttling at a constant speed instead of stopping when you release it.
Stop any paused decks when quitting
When this option is selected, any paused decks are stopped when you quit the Avid application. Selecting this option saves wear on the deck heads.
Poll deck during digital cut
This option is selected by default. When it is selected, the Avid system checks the deck for the current timecode and displays it in the timecode window of the deck controller. If you see degraded image quality on your digital cut (particularly visible as noise during black), deselect this option and record the digital cut again. With the option deselected, the Record button does not flash and the timecode display in the deck controller is not updated for the duration of the digital cut.
DV Capture Offset (frames) & Digital Cut Offset
Type the number of frames by which you want to offset while you capture. See Capturing Without Logging First.
Override Recommended Digital Cut Offset
Select this option to set a digital cut offset. See DV Digital Cut Offset.
Digital Cut Offset (frames)
Type the number of frames by which you want to offset the digital cut.
See Also
Setting Deck Preferences
DV Capture Offset
Enabling Assemble-Edit Recording
Recording a Digital Cut to Tape (Remote Mode)
DV Digital Cut Offset

Some features described in Help are available only in Avid Xpress Pro or Avid Xpress DV. For more information about Avid Free DV go to