Recording a Digital Cut to Tape (Remote Mode)
Play Digital Cut button
Halt Digital Cut button
To record a digital cut to tape:
1.  Load a sequence into the Composer monitor. (You cannot access digital cut options without a sequence loaded.)
2.  Select Clip > Digital Cut.
The Digital Cut tool opens.
3.  Select or deselect the Entire Sequence option based on the following:
  Select Entire Sequence if you want the system to ignore any
IN or OUT points and to play the entire sequence from start to finish.
  Deselect Entire Sequence if you have established IN points, OUT points, or both for recording a portion of the sequence.
4.  (Option) Deselect Digital Cut Native.
  Select Digital Cut Native only if you are outputting a DV 25 sequence with all effects rendered.
5.  (Option) Select Stop on Dropped Frames. This option appears only if you have an Avid Mojo DNA device attached. When you select this option, if the Avid Mojo DNA device detects a dropped frame during output, it stops. You can fix the frame with ExpertRender and then continue. For more information, see ExpertRender.
6.  (Option) Select Add Black at Tail, and enter a timecode to add black at the end of the digital cut.
7.  Click the Deck Selection pop-up menu, and select a deck. See Selecting a Deck in the Digital Cut Tool.
8.  Click the Video Effect Safe Mode button (selected by default) to allow the system to notify you that an effect needs to be rendered.
During a digital cut, real-time effects can drop frames. To eliminate the chance of dropping frames, it's best to render the real-time effects that might drop frames. The Video Effect Safe Mode option analyzes and identifies real-time effects that might cause dropped frames during the digital cut and allows you to render them. After all the real-time effects are rendered, the system automatically initiates the digital cut.
9.  Select Remote in the Deck Control Options area.
10.  Click the pop-up menu in the Deck Control Options area, and select an option to indicate where to start recording on the tape:
  Select Sequence Time to start the recording at a timecode existing on tape that matches the start timecode of the sequence. If you intend to record several sequences to tape one after another, this option requires resetting the start timecode on each sequence to match the appropriate IN points on the tape.
  Select Record Deck Time to ignore the timecode of the sequence and to start the recording wherever the record deck is currently cued.
  Select Mark In Time to ignore the sequence timecode. Establish an IN point on the record tape by cueing and marking with the deck controls.
11.  Select either Insert Edit or Assemble Edit.
  This menu appears only if you selected the "Allow assemble edit for digital cut" option in the Deck Preferences dialog box. For more information, see Enabling Assemble-Edit Recording.
  DV cameras or decks controlled through a 1394 connection and the OHCI protocol do not consistently support the commands for frame-accurate recording. As a result, if you are preparing to record to one of these devices, the insert edit and assemble edit menu choices do not appear in the Digital Cut tool. You can use the Digital Cut tool in either local mode or remote mode, but all tracks are enabled for recording and cannot be modified.
12.  (Option) Select Custom Preroll, click the pop-up menu, and select the number of seconds to indicate how many seconds the tape rolls before the digital cut starts. This option overrides the preroll setting in the Deck Settings dialog box.
13.  Select the audio and video tracks you want represented in the digital cut preview. The display of tracks in the Digital Cut tool varies according to the tracks existing in the sequence.
  If your sequence contains audio clips with different sample rates, use the Change Sample Rate dialog box to ensure that all the clips have the same sample rate. For more information, see Changing the Sample Rate.
14.  Click the Enable Video Track button to select the audio and video tracks to record to tape (not for outputting to a DV device).
15.  Click the Play Digital Cut button.
The system cues the record deck and then plays and records the digital cut. The playback appears in the Composer monitor and the Client monitor (if you have one).
To stop the recording at any time, do one of the following:
  Press the space bar.
  Click the Halt Digital Cut button.
  After assemble-edit recording, a freeze frame is usually added after the OUT point for 1 second or more, depending on the record deck model. This provides several frames of overlap for the next IN point before the control track and timecode break up.
  If you see degraded image quality in your digital cut (particularly visible as noise during black), deselect the option "Poll deck during digital cut" in the Deck Preferences dialog box and record the digital cut again. With this option deselected, the timecode display in the deck controller does not update for the duration of the digital cut.

Some features described in Help are available only in Avid Xpress Pro or Avid Xpress DV. For more information about Avid Free DV go to