Rendering Effects Between IN and OUT Points
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Save your sequence before you use this feature. Depending on the number,
type, and complexity of the effects, the batch process can take a long time.
To render multiple effects using IN and OUT points:
1. | |
Select all tracks that contain effects you want to render.
2. | |
Mark an IN point before the start of the first effect to be rendered in
your sequence; mark an OUT point after the last effect to be rendered.
3. | |
Select Clip > Render In/Out.
4. | |
Click the Drive button, and select a drive on which to store the
rendered effect.
The Effect Source Drive is the drive where the media on the outgoing
shot of a transition resides.
The Avid editing application renders all effects between the IN and
OUT points.
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If the drive is near capacity, a message box opens and warns you that there
might not be enough space to store the rendered effect. You can click Stop
to stop the rendering process and return to the Render Effects dialog box,
and then select another drive before continuing. Alternatively, you can
click Continue to attempt to render the effects anyway, in case there might
be enough space on the drive.
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To display the estimated render time during rendering, press the T key on
the keyboard. Press the T key again to clear the display. Press the P key to
view percent rendered.
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Another way to speed up rendering is to use the Submaster effect. See
Submaster Editing.