Rendering Effects at Position
To render multiple effects at position:
1. | |
Move the position indicator to the effects in the Timeline.
2. | |
Select all tracks that contain effects you want to render.
3. | |
Select Clip > Render at Position.
4. | |
Click the Drive button, and select a drive on which to store the
rendered effects.
The Effect Source Drive is the drive where the media on the outgoing
shot of a transition resides.
If there is not enough room on the drive, the Avid editing application
displays a message box that gives you the following choices:
– |
Stop — Stop the rendering process and return to the Render
Effects dialog box, and then select another drive before continuing.
– |
Continue — Attempt to render the effects anyway, in case there
might be enough room on the drive.
 | |
To display the estimated render time during rendering, press the T key on
the keyboard. Press the T key again to clear the display. Press the P key to
view percent rendered.