Controlling Real-Time Effects Playback
When the Avid editing application is unable to maintain real-time playback of an effects sequence, there are a number of ways you can attempt to ensure that the sequence plays back successfully in real time.
  If possible, start playback earlier in the sequence, before the effects that are causing difficulties begin.
This allows the Avid editing application to begin processing some of the effects frames before it must display them, decreasing the chance of difficulties with playback.
  Use the Expert Render command on those parts of the sequence where the Avid editing application had difficulties during playback.
The Avid editing application marks these parts of the sequence in the Timeline. For more information, see Understanding Real-Time Playback Information in the Timeline and ExpertRender.
  Use the Video Quality Menu button to select a lower quality for playback.
This increases the Avid editing application's ability to process effects at the expense of reducing image quality. For more information, see Playing Back at Different Video Qualities.
  In the Video Display Settings dialog box, increase the number of seconds of video to prefill.
This setting instructs the Avid editing application to delay the beginning of playback by the number of seconds you specify. During this time, the application processes frames in advance and stores them in memory. When playback begins, the application starts to display the preprocessed frames while it continues to process new ones. The application will continue to play back the sequence successfully in real time unless it exhausts its supply of preprocessed frames. By accepting a delay at the beginning of playback, you increase the likelihood that the application will play the material successfully. The maximum delay you can specify is 10áseconds.
The Video Display settings dialog box is available in the Settings scroll list of the Project window.
  If the amount of memory available is limited, the Avid editing application might not be able to prefill the full number of seconds that you specify. As a result, the delay you experience before playback begins might be less than the number of seconds you specify. It cannot be more than that number.
See Also
Understanding Real-Time Effects Processing
Understanding Monitor Options for Real-Time Effects Preview
Enabling Real-Time Effects on Software-only Models
Understanding Real-Time Playback Information in the Timeline

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