Effect parameters are values that define the appearance of an effect. For example, you can set parameters that control the size and position of a Picture-in-Picture effect.
Not all effect parameters apply to all effects. Parameters that do not apply to an effect do not appear in the Effect Editor for that effect. To determine which parameters pertain to an effect, refer to the effect's description in
2D Effects and
Xpress 3D Effects.
Effect parameters are either
global or
keyframeable. You adjust a global parameter once for the entire effect; its values cannot change over time. You can adjust keyframeable parameters once for the entire effect, or you can use the Effect Editor along with keyframes to adjust the parameter multiple times and change its value over time. For more information, see
Global and Keyframeable Parameters.
For most effects, a keyframe applies to every keyframeable effect parameter in the effect. If you are working with the Picture-in-Picture effect or 3D PIP effect, however, you can use keyframe graphs to create independent keyframes for each keyframeable effect parameter. This greatly increases your control of how the effect changes over time. For more information, see
Working with Advanced Keyframes.
Parameter controls are grouped in parameter categories within the Effect Editor. For example, the Border parameter category includes all the controls that you can use to define the color and appearance of an effect border.
The following topics provide information on the several types of parameter controls that might appear for a particular effect: