Applying Effects to Multiple Transitions Using the Quick Transition Button
You can select multiple transitions by marking IN and OUT points and then apply an effect from the Quick Transition dialog box to all the selected transitions at once.
Quick Transition button
Dissolve Effect icon in Quick Transition dialog box
To apply an effect to multiple transitions using the Quick Transition button:
1.  Mark IN and OUT points around the transitions to which you want to add the effect.
2.  Make sure that the Record Track buttons in the Track Selector panel are selected for the tracks to which you want to add the effect.
3.  (Option) If you want to see a particular transition in the graphical display of the Quick Transition dialog box, move the position indicator to that transition.
4.  Click the Quick Transition button.
5.  Click the Add pop-up menu, and select a transition effect.
For an explanation of individual effects shown in the menu, see Blend Effects.
6.  Select the transition duration by doing one of the following:
  Type the duration in frames in the Duration text box.
  Click either the left or right edge of the Dissolve Effect icon, and drag it to change the duration. For more information, see Adjusting a Transition Effect by Dragging in the Quick Transition Dialog Box.
7.  Adjust the effect's position relative to the cut point in one of the following ways:
  Click the Position pop-up menu, and select an option to have the effect end at the cut point, center on the cut point, or start at the cut point.
  Click the Position pop-up menu, select Custom, and then type a number in the Start text box to specify how many frames before the cut point you want the effect to begin.
  The Avid editing application automatically selects the Custom option in the Position pop-up menu when you click in the graphical display.
  Click inside the effect in the graphical display, and drag it to position the effect with respect to the cut point.
  Click one of the alignment buttons below the graphical display.
For more information on the graphical display options, see Understanding the Graphical Display in the Quick Transition Dialog Box.
8.  Click the Target Drive pop-up menu, and select a drive on which to store the effect if you choose to render it.
The Effect Source Drive is the drive where the media on the outgoing shot of a transition resides.
9.  Select Apply to All Transitions (IN -> OUT).
10.  Do one of the following:
  To add the effect without rendering it, click Add.
  To add the effect and render it, click Add and Render.
If a dialog box opens with a message about insufficient media, see Sizing the Effect to Fit the Media.
  When you save a Dissolve effect template into a bin named Quick Transitions, the effect template appears in the Add pop-up menu. See Using an Effect Template.
  When you select a color transition with Quick Transition, the default color is black. You must enter Effect mode to select another color. For more information, see Using the Effect Editor.
See Also
Creating an Effect Using the Quick Transition Button
Understanding the Graphical Display in the Quick Transition Dialog Box
Using the Effect Palette to Create a Dissolve Effect
Creating a Dissolve in Trim Mode

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