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> Recording Voice-Over Narration |
Voice-Over Narration
Audio punch-in allows you to record up to two channels of audio directly into the Timeline for voice-over narration. This feature saves you the extra steps of recording the narration to tape first, capturing, and then editing the audio clip into the sequence. The narrator can also watch the sequence and hear playback of edited sound tracks while recording.
You can "rehearse" the voice-over while you listen to the sequence. The voice-over is not recorded while you are rehearsing. You can continue to rehearse until you are satisfied with the results. While recording, you can watch and listen to the sequence and hear playback of edited sound tracks.
See the following topics:
To open the Audio Punch-In tool:
Select Tools > Audio Punch-In.
Features of the Audio Punch-In tool are as follows:
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Play In/Out button: Starts playing with the ability to perform a real-
time punch-in. The play loops from the IN point to the OUT point, but
stops looping once recording is done. This button blinks bright green
when playing.
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Record button: Starts and stops the recording. If an IN point and OUT
point are set, recording automatically starts at the IN point and stops at
the OUT point. This button blinks bright red while recording.
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Stop button: Stops playing or recording and saves the last recorded
data. This button is bright blue when recording stops.
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Go to Mark IN button: Moves the position indicator to the IN point.
If there is no IN point, the system goes to where the position indicator
was previously located or to the start of the sequence.
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Cancel button: Stops a recording without saving the recorded data.
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Audio Tool button: Opens the Audio tool so you can adjust the audio
levels during recording.
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Passthrough Mix Tool button: Opens the Passthrough Mix tool so
you can monitor the audio levels during recording.
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Preroll text box: Allows you to provide an audiovisual cue before the
recording begins. The Avid system backs up the blue position indicator
for the prescribed number of seconds. You can hear the audio during
voice-overs voiceover voiceovers punchin punch