Using the Passthrough
Mix Tool
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The options in this section depend on the configuration of your system, so
your system might not contain certain features and hardware that are
covered in the documentation.
The Passthrough Mix tool allows you to select the mix and adjust the volume and pan values of the source audio that you monitor. You can adjust the mix, volume, and pan values of multiple monitored channels, controlling either individual channels manually or several channels simultaneously by ganging them together.
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The Passthrough Mix tool adjusts monitored audio only and has no effect
on the recorded audio signal. You can adjust volume levels within a clip in
the Timeline after you record audio by using Audio Gain Automation. For
information, see Understanding Audio Gain Automation.
| Passthrough Mix Tool button |
To open the Passthrough Mix tool:
1. | |
In the Project window, click the Settings tab.
2. | |
Double-click Audio Project.
4. | |
Click the Passthrough Mix Tool button.
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You can open the Passthrough Mix tool by clicking the Passthrough Mix
Tool button in the Capture tool or the Audio Punch-In tool. For more
information, see and Creating the Voice-Over.
For information on using the Passthrough Mix tool, see the following topics: