Starting and Quitting DAE (Macintosh Only)
When you open the Digidesign AudioSuite window (see Using Digidesign AudioSuite Plug-Ins), the Avid system automatically starts the DAE application. The application continues running even after you close the window.
To quit the DAE application while the AudioSuite window is open:
  Press Command+click the status display in the AudioSuite window.
  The DAE application uses between 9 and 16 MB of memory, depending on how many plug-ins are loaded. If you plan to use other applications while the Avid system is running, you might find it useful to quit the DAE application to free up memory for the other application. To restart the DAE application, Option+click the status display.

Some features described in Help are available only in Avid Xpress Pro or Avid Xpress DV. For more information about Avid Free DV go to