Installing AudioSuite Plug-Ins (Macintosh)
The Avid system installation software automatically creates a DAE (Digidesign Audio Engine) folder in the following location:
Applications/Avid Xpress Pro/Contacts/MacOS/Plug-INs
Applications/Avid Xpress DV/Contacts/MacOS/Plug-INs
The DAE application manages the AudioSuite plug-ins.
The DAE folder contains the following files and folders:
  The DAE application.
  A Plug-In Settings folder. The plug-in vendor might install settings in this folder.
  A Plug-Ins folder containing the following:
  A set of basic plug-ins from Digidesign.
  A file named Avid Application PlugIn. The Avid system requires this file; do not delete it.
Several basic plug-ins are installed automatically. For a description of the plug-ins, see Main Topics: Using AudioSuite Plug-Ins.
When you purchase additional plug-ins, the third-party vendor provides instructions on how to load the plug-ins. Some vendors might require you to drag the plug-in to the Plug-Ins folder. Other vendors might perform the task automatically for you via an installation program.

Some features described in Help are available only in Avid Xpress Pro or Avid Xpress DV. For more information about Avid Free DV go to