Performing Segment Mode Edits
Extract/Splice-in Mode button
Lift/Overwrite Mode button
There are two methods for editing segments or adding clips:
  Extract/Splice-in, indicated by a yellow arrow
  Lift/Overwrite, indicated by a red arrow
Consider the following when editing segments:
  Transition effects on either side of a moved selection are deleted. Transition effects inside the selection are preserved.
  Moving segments snap to other segments in the Timeline. Head frames snap by default together; pressing the Alt key (Windows) or the Option key (Macintosh) causes tail frames to snap together. Segments also snap to existing cuts, marks, or the position indicator.
Observe the following guidelines when selecting tracks:
  You cannot simultaneously move segments that are separated along the same track. You can, however, move segments separated on different tracks.
  You cannot overlap the source and destination tracks. For example, you can move audio segments from A3 and A4 to A1 and A2, but you cannot move them from A3 and A4 to A2 and A3 (A3 overlaps).
  With a group, you can click any one of the selected segments to drag the entire group to a new position.
  You can select black filler as a segment.
See the following topics:
  Understanding the Four-Frame Display
  Suppressing Four-Frame Display
  Extracting/Splicing-in Segments
  Lifting/Overwriting Segments
  Maintaining Sync in Segment Mode
  Deleting Segments with Segment Mode

Some features described in Help are available only in Avid Xpress Pro or Avid Xpress DV. For more information about Avid Free DV go to