Detecting Duplicate Frames
When you edit offline with plans to generate an EDL, the Dupe Detection feature allows you to visually track duplicate frames of footage as you edit so that you can eliminate or manage the requirements of an online dupe reel.
To activate Dupe Detection:
Click the Timeline Fast Menu button, and select Dupe Detection.
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This procedure only works for the V1 track.
When you activate Dupe Detection, each set of duplicate frames is tagged with a different color. (Up to 10 color sets can be distinguished during a single detection process.) Matching frames have matching colors. If the duplicate frames are unnecessary, you can use any of the Trim mode options to remove the superfluous frames before generating an EDL.
The colored bars that distinguish duplicate frames in the sequence are automatically drawn above the frames in the Timeline.
Orange bars mark the first set of duplicate frames, green bars mark the second set, and so on. You can use Dupe Detection while you are editing to locate duplicate frames and remove them as the sequence evolves.
Dupe Detection is instantaneous and retroactive; if duplicate frames already exist in your sequence, the colored bars appear immediately. As you edit, the system shows duplicate frames as they occur.
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The handle size used by Dupe Detection can be changed in the Timeline
Settings dialog box.