Using the Transcode Option
The Transcode option in the Consolidate/Transcode dialog box lets you create a playable sequence from clips that have different target resolutions. Even though you are changing the resolution to a possibly higher quality resolution, your footage will not look better than the resolution you selected for capture. For example, if you capture your video at 15:1 to save space and then transcode the sequence to 1:1, the sequence will not look uncompressed.
To use the Transcode option:
1.  Select a clip or sequence in a bin.
2.  Select Bin > Consolidate/Transcode.
The Consolidate/Transcode dialog box opens.
3.  Select the Transcode option in the upper left corner.
4.  In the Target Drive(s) area, select a drive or drives. To select additional target drives, Ctrl+click (Windows) or Shift+click (Macintosh) the drive name.
5.  Click the Target Video Resolution pop-up menu, and select a video resolution. See Transcode-Only Options.
Transcode-Only Options 
Target Video Resolution
Select a video resolution for the sequence.
Select a file format. See OMFI Files and MXF Format.
6.  Select a file format: OMF or MXF.
7.  Select other options as described in Consolidate/Transcode Options.
8.  Click the Transcode button in the lower right corner.

Some features described in Help are available only in Avid Xpress Pro or Avid Xpress DV. For more information about Avid Free DV go to