Importing Color Bars and Other Test Patterns
To import a test pattern from a PICT file:
1.  Open an existing bin, or create a new one for the test pattern.
2.  Select the destination bin.
3.  (Option) If you are going to import Color Bars, set Color Levels to 601 in the Image tab of the Import Settings dialog box. See Import Settings Options (Image Tab).
4.  Select File > Import.
The Select Files to Import dialog box opens.
5.  Navigate to the Test_Patterns folder in the following location:
  (Windows) drive:\Program Files\Avid\
Avid Xpress Pro\SupportingFiles\
  (Windows) drive:\Program Files\Avid\
Avid Xpress DV\SupportingFiles\
  (Macintosh) Macintosh HD/Applications/
Avid Xpress Pro/SupportingFiles/
  (Macintosh) Macintosh HD/Applications/
Avid Xpress DV/SupportingFiles/
6.  Import any test pattern file to the Test_Patterns folder by following the procedures in Main Topics: Importing Files.
7.  Create a clip of tone media using the Audio tool. See Using the Audio Tool.
Consider recording tone at both 44.1 kHz and 48 kHz for use in various projects. Match the resolution of the tone to the audio resolution of the sequence.
8.  Create a new sequence with the SMPTE bars, and edit the tone media clip onto audio tracks 1 and 2.
9.  Edit the end of this sequence to an appropriate length (1 minute is a standard length for sequences).
10.  Rename the sequence to indicate its purpose.

Some features described in Help are available only in Avid Xpress Pro or Avid Xpress DV. For more information about Avid Free DV go to