Import Settings: Image Tab
Import Settings Options (Image Tab) 
Aspect Ratio, Pixel Aspect
601, non-square
Select this option to import images with the dimensions used by the Avid system: 720 x 480 (NTSC) or 720 x 576 (PAL). Also use this option for 720 x 540 images, or for other images that fit the 4:3 aspect ratio. You can use this option to maintain field data when you import two-field media that follows exact NTSC or PAL dimensions.
The system converts the existing pixel dimensions, if necessary, so that the image fills the screen.
If the aspect ratio of the original frames does not match the
4:3 aspect ratio used by the Avid system, the imported frames might appear distorted.
For best full-screen resolution of files created in a square-pixel environment, use 648 x 480 (NTSC) or 768 x 576 (PAL). To create a single resolution for both NTSC and PAL, use 720 x 540.
  This option is selected by default.

Maintain, non-square
Select this option for an image that was created in a non-square-pixel environment, but does not match exact NTSC or PAL dimensions. Maintain, non-square preserves up to 480 (NTSC) or 576 (PAL) lines, and either removes additional lines or pads with video black if there are fewer lines.
This option might be most useful with the Avid application when you use material that has been created for non-DV products with a standard NTSC size of 720 x 486. In this situation, the top four lines and the bottom two lines are cropped.
Maintain, non-square never scales or resizes.

Maintain, square
Select this option for an image that was created in a square-
pixel environment, such as a graphics application. Use this option primarily for icons, logos, and other graphics that cannot be resized and are not intended to fill the entire screen.
The Avid system maintains the source file pixel aspect ratio for the imported frames, translating the square-pixel aspect ratio to the digital video non-square-pixel environment.
The system fills the rest of the screen with video black. If the image has an alpha channel, this black is keyed out in the alpha channel.
Do not use this option if you are importing:
  Images in the 720 x 480 (NTSC) or 720 x 576 (PAL) non- square-pixel dimensions
  A full-screen square-pixel image that has already been stretched to non-square-pixel dimensions

Maintain and Resize, square
Select this option for an image that was created in square-pixel terms.
The system fits the longest dimension to the screen size and fills in the missing pixels in the shorter dimension with video black, creating a border. If the image has an alpha channel, this black is keyed out in the alpha channel.
For example, a 540 x 300 image would have its longer dimension resized to 720, and the shorter dimension resized in proportion (to 400). The remaining "short side" pixels are replaced with black.
For best full-screen resolution of files created in a square-pixel environment, use 648 x 480 (NTSC) or 768 x 576 (PAL). To create a single resolution for both NTSC and PAL, use
720 x 540.
Do not use this option if you are importing:
  Images in the 720 x 480 (NTSC) or 720 x 576 (PAL) non- square-pixel dimensions
  A full-screen square-pixel image that has already been stretched to non-square-pixel dimensions
File Field
This section allows you to select the temporal field ordering (sometimes referred to as field dominance) of the media you are importing.
When the field dominance of the imported media matches the field dominance of the project format, no special processing is required. For more information, see "Field Ordering in Graphic Imports and Exports.
This setting does not apply to OMFI imports when the import resolution matches the OMFI file.

This option allows you to import still images to all formats without concern for the temporal ordering of the fields.
  This is the default value.

Odd (Upper Field First)
Select this option for the odd field to occur temporally first during import. The first line in the image belongs to the odd field.

Even (Lower Field First)
Select this option for the even field to occur temporally first during import. The first line in the image belongs to the even field.
Color Levels
Select this option if the imported graphics file uses RGB graphics levels. Most computer-generated graphics use RGB graphics levels. The RGB color values are remapped to ITU-R 601 (formerly CCIR 601) video color values appropriate for the Avid system.

RGB, dithered
Select this option if the imported graphics file uses complex color effects, such as a gradation. Do not use this option to reimport an image that has already been imported with dithering.

Select this option if the imported graphics file uses video levels based on the ITU-R 601 (formerly CCIR 601) standard. These graphics include Avid color bars or images that include superblack (zero black) for keying purposes.
Use Existing
Select this option to import the image, using the existing alpha channel information.

Invert Existing
Select this option to reverse the black and white elements of the alpha channel if they differ from the matte key requirements of the system: a white background, a black foreground, and a gray transparency blend between the two.


Select this option to import an image that contains alpha channel transparency information as one opaque graphic. The imported graphic appears as a single master clip in the bin.
If an image contains an embedded alpha channel but the system does not support alpha channel import for the file type, select this option to import the image successfully. For information on alpha channel support, see "Graphic File Import Specifications.
Single Frame Import
Duration n seconds
Select this option to specify the duration of the single frame created from the import. The default is 10 seconds. This option does not apply to importing sequential image files because each file represents one frame of the clip; therefore, the total number of files determines the total duration.
Importing an image with alpha channel creates a matte key effect as a single frame, with no associated media file.
Importing as a single frame takes less time and requires less storage than importing as a media file. However, a single frame has limited real-time playback capabilities, particularly at high resolutions. This occurs because the system loads the frame into memory and handles it in real time, rather than playing it back from a disk.
Sequential Files
Select this option if you are importing sequential files and you want the system to recognize that a sequence of connected files is present and to automatically import the whole sequence.
When this option is deselected, the system does not automatically import a whole sequence of files that have sequential extensions. You can then select any single file for import.
You can import sequential files for any of the supported still-image formats. For information on preparing a sequence of image files, see Animation Files.
See Also
Importing Files

Some features described in Help are available only in Avid Xpress Pro or Avid Xpress DV. For more information about Avid Free DV go to