Understanding Multilayered Graphics Import
When you import a multilayered graphic, you can import each layer as a separate object (a matte key or master clip). You can then manipulate individual layers like any other matte key or master clip. You can also import the graphic as a flattened image, or select the layers to import.
For example, a graphic artist might create a collage of still images, with a layer of text. The goal is to edit the collage into a sequence, building it up one image at a time, and then add the text.
The following illustration shows the graphics and layers in Photoshop.

The Avid system imports each layer as an individual matte key with alpha channel. In this example, the graphic uses a background image, so the system creates the background image as a master clip. (If the graphic used a transparent background, the background layer would be imported as a matte key.)
The following illustration shows the layers as they appear in a bin.

During the import, the Avid system creates a sequence with each layer on a separate video track; this makes it easy to edit all layers into the final sequence. This sequence preserves the names and order of the layers as created in the original Photoshop file, as shown in the following illustration.

You can then edit the tracks to build up to the full collage.

Note the following:
  Graphics must be RGB 8 or 16 bits, or grayscale.
  Layer order and layer names are preserved during import.
  Hidden layers are imported as matte keys.
  Opacity is converted to Foreground level in the Matte Key effect.
  Text and shape layers are rasterized (converted from vector-based to bitmap) during import.
Not all layer options and types are supported for import (see Support for Photoshop Layer Options and Support for Photoshop Special Layer Types). For example, a title with a Drop Shadow and an Outer Glow effect would not keep these effects when imported. To preserve the effects in these layers, merge them in Photoshop (as described in the Photoshop documentation) and then import the file.
You can also preserve layer effects and the original structure of the file by importing the file in two stages:
1.  For the first import, click Select Layers and select all layers except the layers that contain layer effects.
2.  For the second import, open Photoshop, hide the layers you've already imported, and show the layers that contain layer effects. During the import, click Flattened Image. The resulting image contains only the layers that contain layer effects.
Support for Photoshop Layer Options 
Layer Option
Blending Mode
To preserve the blending mode (Dissolve, Multiply, and so on), merge the layer into another layer that does not use a special blending mode. Only normal mode is supported.
The imported layer's Level is set to the opacity specified in Photoshop. You can adjust the opacity level with the Foreground Level control in the Effect Editor.
Layer Group
Layer grouping is ignored. All layers, including grouped layers, are imported as individual layers. To preserve a clipping group, merge the grouped layers into the base layer.
Layer Set
All layers within a set are imported as individual layers.
Layer/Set Mask
Layer and set masks are ignored. To preserve a layer mask, apply it to the layer. To preserve a set mask, merge the set into an empty layer. To preserve a special layer's mask, rasterize the layer.
Layer Style
Layer styles are ignored. To preserve a layer style, you must convert the style into layers.
Support for Photoshop Special Layer Types 
Layer Option
Type Layer

Solid Layer
Solid layers are imported as a graphic with a full screen opaque alpha channel.
Gradient Layer
Gradient transparency is preserved.
Pattern Layer

Adjustment Layer
Adjustment layers include Levels, Curves, Color Balance, Brightness/Contrast, Hue/Saturation, Channel Mixer, Gradient Map, Invert, Threshold, and Posterize.

Photo Shop

Some features described in Help are available only in Avid Xpress Pro or Avid Xpress DV. For more information about Avid Free DV go to