Logging with an Avid-Controlled Camera or Deck
Capture/Log Mode button
Log icon
Mark IN button
Mark OUT button
Log Clip button

Mark IN and Log button
Mark OUT and Log button
Mark In button
Mark Out button
Go to IN button
Go to OUT button
To log clips directly to a bin from an Avid-controlled camera or deck:
1.  Make sure the camera or deck is properly connected and turned on.
2.  Open the bin in which you want to store the clips.
3.  Do one of the following:
  Select Toolset > Capture
  Select Tools > Capture.
The Capture tool opens. Playback from the deck is displayed in the client monitor if you have one.
  (Windows only) If you are using a deck connected through a board with a 1394 connection (OHCI input/throughput), footage is not displayed in the Client monitor until you click the Capture button and start the capturing process. See Viewing DV Media Before Capturing.
  If you forget to connect and turn on the power to the deck before opening the Capture tool, you can reinitialize deck control after turning it on by clicking the Deck Selection pop-up menu and selecting Check Decks.
4.  If the Capture tool is not currently in Log mode, click the Capture/Log Mode button until the LOG icon appears.
5.  Click the Deck Selection pop-up menu, and select a deck. For more information, see Selecting a Deck.
6.  Insert your tape into the deck.
The Select Tape dialog box opens.
7.  (Option) Select "Show other projects" to display the tape names and associated project names for all bins that have been opened in the current session.
  Only tapes associated with captured media from the current project are shown.
  If the tape name you are searching for does not appear in the Select Tape dialog box, click the Scan for Tapes button. Tape and project names are listed.
8.  Provide the system with a tape name in one of the following ways:
  Select the name of the tape from the list in the Select Tape dialog box and click OK.
  Click New if the tape is not in the list. A new tape name line opens in the dialog box. Type the new name and click OK, and then click OK again.
The tape name is displayed in the Capture tool.
  For guidelines when naming tapes, see Naming Tapes.
A message that the system is waiting for you to mark an IN point is displayed in the message bar.
9.  Set either an IN point or an OUT point for the clip you want to log, using one of the following methods:
  If you want to keep the deck running while you log: Start the deck. At the point where you want to start the clip, click a Mark IN button (in the upper left corner of the Capture tool or the Mark IN button in the lower right) or press F4. The deck continues to play.
  If you want to pause the deck while you enter a clip name and comments, see Pausing the Deck While Logging.
  If you want to cue your source tape to the start or end point: Use the deck controls in the Capture tool to cue your source tape to the start or end point, and click the Mark IN or the Mark OUT button in the lower right corner.
  If you want to log using timecode: If the footage starts at a known IN point or ends at a known OUT point, type the timecode in the text box next to the Mark IN or the Mark OUT button. Then enter the mark by pressing the Go to IN or the Go to OUT button, which scans the tape forward to the mark, or by pressing Enter (Windows) or Return (Macintosh).
After you set the mark, the Mark IN button changes to the Mark OUT and Log button or the Mark IN and Log button, depending on the first mark you set.
10.  (Option) Enter a clip name and comment in the corresponding text boxes.
11.  To finish logging the clip, do one of the following:
  If the deck is running: Click the Mark OUT and Log button or press F4. The clip is logged into the bin and the deck continues to play.
  If you want to cue the remaining start or end point: Use the deck controls to locate the start or end point. Set the remaining IN or OUT point either by clicking the Mark OUT and Log button or the Mark IN and Log button. The clip is logged into the bin.
  If you want to log using timecode: Type a timecode for the clip's IN point, OUT point, or duration in the timecode text boxes next to the corresponding icon. Then enter the mark by pressing the Go to IN or the Go to OUT button, which scans the tape forward to the mark, or by pressing Enter (Windows) or Return (Macintosh). To log the clip into the bin, click the Log Clip button in the upper left corner.
The clip name, which is automatically numbered by the system, is highlighted and ready to be changed.
12.  (Option) Rename the clip by typing a new name in the highlighted area.
  Consider changing the clip name immediately, because it is easy to forget the contents of each clip if you are logging many clips. You can, if necessary, accept the clip name and proceed with the logging process and change the clip names in the bin at a later time.
13.  Repeat these steps until you have logged all your clips.
  While viewing the footage, you can continuously update your marks on- the-fly by clicking the Mark IN or the Mark OUT button repeatedly before entering the second mark.

Some features described in Help are available only in Avid Xpress Pro or Avid Xpress DV. For more information about Avid Free DV go to