Importing an Enhancements File
Other applications can create XML files that conform to Avid requirements. These files do not require the file name extension .aeo, but they must conform to Avid specifications, as listed in the MetaSync DTD files (see Main Topics: MetaSync DTD Files (Windows Only)). You need to import these files into MetaSync Manager so that MetaSync Manager can validate the files and generate a unique ID.
Import button
To import an enhancements file created by another application:
1.  Do one of the following:
  Select File > Import.
  Click the Import button.
2.  Select the file you want to import.
3.  Click Open.
The enhancements file is verified. If it conforms to the DTD file, the enhancements file is converted to MetaSync Manager format. MetaSync Manager creates a file with the same name in the same folder as the original file, with the file name extension .aeo. The file opens in the spreadsheet window with a unique ID automatically assigned to each enhancement.

Some features described in Help are available only in Avid Xpress Pro or Avid Xpress DV. For more information about Avid Free DV go to