
Tip: Press F12 for instant access to most of the multimedia settings.


Turn off images here to browse the Web without images by default and increase page loading drastically. Press G to toggle images in the current page.

Disable GIF animation to stop animated advertisement banners.

Smooth zooming of images may improve image display on some graphics adapters.

Page icons

A web site can specify a small icon to represent itself. Opera will look in the following order for an icon to display in the address field:

  1. link rel="shortcut icon" element in page document (embedded icon)
  2. File favicon.ico on root directory of server
  3. Default Opera page icon

Favicons are an outdated standard and can be disabled.


You can disable sound in Web pages if you find this annoying.


Some sites use Java to offer interactive content on Web pages. Disable Java if you do not want to run Web-page Java applets on your computer.

Download Opera with Java support

Learn more about Java


Plug-ins are third-party software often used to enable multimedia in Web pages.

You must download and install plug-in software for each type of plug-in content.

Shockwave Flash Pre-installed Update
PDF documents Download from Adobe
QuickTime video streams Download from Apple
RealPlayer streams Download from Real
Other types Go to Opera's plug-in page

See list of plug-ins installed on my computer

Learn more about plug-ins


JavaScript is a scripting language used to add certain functions to Web pages.

JavaScript may in rare cases be used intrusively and can therefore be turned off, but this will also turn off well-intended use.

Tip: To get technical information about JavaScript problems on a page, turn on the JavaScript console from Special » on the Window menu.

Learn more about JavaScript