Main Menu

File menu

Edit menu

View menu

Bookmarks menu

Mail menu

Window menu

This menu also appears if you right-click Opera's workspace area (behind your pages).

Help menu

Context Menus

Context menus appear when you right-click various items and elements, either in Opera's user interface or on a Web page.

Page menu

The Page menu appears when you right-click a part of a Web page where there are no links, images, or forms.

Example: Right-click this page to see the menu.

Hotclick menu

The Hotclick menu appears when you double-, triple-, or quadruple-click text in a Web page.

Hotclick can be disabled from Opera's Toolbars and menus preferences, but the Hotclick menu is always available when you right-click selected text.

Link menu

The Link menu appears when you right-click a link. Try here

When you click an image that has a link, a menu will appear that combines items from both the Image and Link menus.

Image menu

The image menu appears when you right-click an image.

Mailto menu

The "mailto:" menu appears when you right-click a "mailto:" link. Try here

When you click an image that links to an e-mail address, a menu will appear that combines items from both the Image and "mailto:" menus.

Form menu

The Form menu appears when you right-click inside a form.

Style menu

The style menu appears when you click the style-button icon on the Address bar, or if you select Style from the View menu.

Opera's built-in user style sheets can be used to improve readability, debug markup, and drastically change the appearance of Web pages.

You can add your own style sheets in Page style preferences.

Learn more about user style sheets

Quick preferences

Find the most popular settings in the Quick preferences menu. You can access this menu at any time by pressing F12 or selecting Quick preferences from the File menu.

Tip: Open Opera's Preferences (press Alt + P) for access to more settings.