If you are experiencing difficulties or problems with Bandwidth Controller then this section may be of some help. If you need assistance in configuration the software then see the Tutorial.
Bandwidth controller consists of two seperate software components: an NDIS Intermediate Driver and a user-mode program.
The driver performs low level networking functions and is the component that carries out the actual bandwidth control. Upon installation of the software, the driver is installed as a service for each network adapter on the system. You can view the service in the properties for any network adapter. It is labelled 'Bandwidth Controller kernel component'.
The user-mode program allows you to modify the properties of the driver. It contains all functionality that is not related to low level network control.
Because of the nature of drivers, you may experience critical system failures if there is a problem. This may be in the form of a 'Blue Screen' error or an operating system lockup. In some circumstances the operating system may not even be able to boot because the driver is automatically loaded at startup.
Drivers are offered no protection from the operating system, which is why these extreme problems may arise. We perform strict testing and attempt to make the driver as robust as possible, but it is possible that these errors may still occur with some configurations.
The most typical problem for any crash is that an installed network adapter driver and Bandwidth Controller are not compatible. There are thousands of different types of network adapter all with varying levels of driver quality and it is impossible to test each one. Therefore, if you are having these types of problems, it is strongly recommended that you e-mail support at support@bandwidthcontroller.com with the type of network adapter that is installed and a description of the problem.
If you are having problems starting the operating system after Bandwidth Controller has been installed then there are some steps you can follow to fix it.
Follow the following steps to disable the driver at system startup.
Windows 2000
1. Boot off your Windows 2000« CDROM.
2. You will be asked if you wish to install the operating system, recover or exit.. Choose 'R' for recover.
3. You will be asked if you wish to use the Recovery Console. Choose 'C' to use it.
4. Type the number of the installing to log on to and press enter (Usually '1').
5. Enter the admistrator password for the operating system and press enter.
6. At the prompt, type 'disable bcim' (without the quotes) and press enter.
7. Remove the CDROM from the drive and type 'exit' to restart the machine.
The system should now start properly if the problem was being caused by Bandwidth Controller. Uninstall the program and e-mail details of the problem to support@bandwidthcontroller.com. See these Microsoft articles for more information about the recovery console:
If you experience any other problems or errors that aren't covered in this article, please e-mail the exact text of the error to support@bandwidthcontroller.com. Don't forget to check the system event log as all driver errors are silently sent to it.