Supports complete command sets - all modern ftp servers commands are supported including EPRT , EPSV , PASV , MDTM , SIZE , REST , AUTH , PROT .. that means server to server transfer , detailed file information , resume transfer , and also the SSL/TLS related ftp commands are supported

IP checking - upon/after connection and (optionally) for passive data connections also , also works with domain name checking
SSL&TLS ftp - encrypt both the ftp command and data by the industry standard SSL&TLS ftp
S/KEY one time passsword - advanced password verification scheme using md4/md5/sha-1 algorithms , allows no hacker to intercept your ftp passwords
Multi servers in one process - manage multiple ftp servers with different settings (user file , virtual file system , IP , ports ) within one RaidenFTPD process , it can even make use of your multiple IPs for load balancing!
User activities LOG -  log user's login attemps , read/write/delete/transfer speed , there is also an option for LOG filename rotation , depending on Year/Month/Day , a graphical LOG analyzer is also included , click here to see our LOG format
Multi IP rolling - automatic ip rolling (optionally) for data transfer channel on multiple IP servers , you can even choose which IP to roll
Raiden Virtual Filesystem - REAL virtual file system support with UNIX STYLE owner/group/other permission system , supporting hard disk drives , cdrom drives , network drives , the owner/group permissions is also file level , each file belongs to its creator only
Secret files - hide or show the files and directories with hidden attribute in the harddisk , it's very easy to control what you want the FTP users to see or not
Free files - allow users to make any file freely downloadable without credit
Configurable port range - configurable data transfer channel port ranges ( ex : 200-1000 , 40000-60000 ) for each ftp server , extremely useful for firewall users
Download restrictions - controls max concurrent downloading user account under the whole server/group or username
Logon time restrictions - allows you to set the time during a day of a week that the user is allowed to stay on ftp server
Ratio system -  BBS style trading system , the uploaders can take file ( ex: upload 1mb gains 3mb of downloading credits )
Extremely high speed - almost 10000 kbytes/sec in the 100mbit LAN , outperforms most of the "famous" windows ftp servers , more than 16000 kbytes/sec total throughput in the local loopback network (local server to local server FXP)
Speed calculation - server side transfer speed measurement to let the users know the transfer speed of download and upload
Upload/Download speed limit - configurable transfer speed limit for in or out streams (independently) for each user
Windows NT/2K/Xp service - built in WindowsNT/2000/Xp service support , you can install RaidenFTPD as service with the in package RaidenService application , here is a link to the help page
Disk quota - support for disk quota ! you can limit the disk usage for each virtual path of your server
Network bandwidth restriction - options for network bandwidth usage restriction for in or out streams per period , for example , allow 500mb of uploads and 600mb of downloads for every 24 hours
File integrity checker - built in ultra fast rar/zip/lzh/md5/sfv(crc32) integrity checker (unlike the others which use external programs) , for checking incoming files , and no credit will be given to uploaders if they upload bad files , of course
Media information - mp3 file format support! server will display mp3 information such as album name , artist name , song title , bitrate , frequency while a user downloads or uploads mp3 files
Multibytes characters filesystem - supports for multi-bytes characters such as Chinese and Japanese in path and file names
Unicode filename/pathname support (UTF8) - translate local character set to utf8 and display it to ftp clients , it's possible to use all languages at the same time with UTF8 support supported by smartftp client only at this moment
Multiple languages interfaces - multiple languages interfaces  choices for each user account ( ex: user A sees english and user B sees japanese )
Message files - external message files with variables for events such as CWD , GOODBYE , DOWNLOADED , UPLOADED , WELCOME , LISTED , MP3( more than 30 available variables for displaying user's information and server's information ) , and 6functions to show top 10 uploaders / downloaders , 10 latest directories , user's detail info , who is online ? ... click here to see the full listing .
Flexible virtual path - special variables supports in virtual file system configuration file , ex : %s for user's name , which can be used to implement user's home directory service that no one else except the owner of the directory can see click here for an example . or %y for a DATE string , ex: 0721 for July 21th , and this can be used to create a link for /Today to c:\temp\0721 . see the full listing of variables , click here . and click here for an example
Remote administration - complete sets of site commands for user account management
57+ extented site commands - extra site extension commands to allow user to see "who is online" "user's information" "latest 10 directories made on server" "get any URL and save it in a directory" "type a text file" "update user's information (ip , password..)" "get server time" , "show top downloaders and uploaders " , "encrypt/decrypt a file" , an many more ! see full remote user account management commands , click here for a full list
Unlimited expansion - unlimited expandability customizing site commands , you can design your own site commands without changing the code of RaidenFTPD itself , you can even trigger your scripts or HTTP CGI by our built in event triggers , EX:when an user logs in , RaidenFTPD will submit to an URL and update the database entry for login records , imaging what can be done by this :) , we have prepared more than 12 useful events for you already. click here to download our sample scripts to see how to expand the functionalities of RaidenFTPD by event triggers and customizing site commands
IRC reporting - eggdrop connectivity , RaidenFTPD has built in eggdrop client , it is possible to report server events on IRC via this eggdrop bot easily with just few lines of settings , click here for more information

download now

RaidenFTPD v2.2 Final Spec

[RaidenFTPD System]
-Multi servers in one process
-Multi domain support
-Compatible with Win98/Me/Nt/2000/Xp/.NET
-Runs as WinNT/2000/XP system service
-64 bits addressing space for file size and directory size
-Anti-Hammering & Anti-D.O.S. system
-Multi threads core
-Uncrackable executable protection
-Multiple languages interface , English , Chinese and Japanese
-GUI , Help files

-Taskbar icon
-Fully functional without registration (with nag screen/text)

[IP Configuration]
-Supports for Multi-IPs server , Multi-NICs server
-Supports for Multi-IPs rolling , automatic load balancing (for both passive and active connections)
-Supports Dynamic IP server (+with private IP)
-Supports server running behind NAT (NAT has to support packet forwarding)
-Supports server running behind FTP protocol bouncer (delegate & glftpd bouncer with IDNT command)
-Possible to exclude/include any IP on your machine from being used to offer PASV command
-Possible to use fixed IP to listen and dynamic IP to offer DATA connections
-Possible to choose passive port ranges

[Users & Groups]
-Account enable/disable
-Skip max users limit on server
-Independent speed limit for UL/DL
-Max logins per user account
-Ratio system
-Controls over max no ratio users within a group
-User group name , comment , level attribute
-User language attribute with 10 user language files
-User's and group's login script
-User can join multiple groups
-Disk or memory user database for very large user files
-Encrypted password field / clear text password field in the user file for batch user accounts creation
-Remote accounts administration via site commands
-Allows users to have their own ftp permissions instead of using virtual file system defaults

[Security System]
-User accounts with level attribute , root super normal and guest
-IP checking for both command session and data session
-Domain name checking for command session

-FTP over SSL/TLS (implicit & explicit SSL)
-S/KEY md4/md5/sha-1 one time password authentication
-Option to allow any password for user accounts
-Anti-NOOP feature
-Max idle time feature
-Possible to check IP/Domain before login or after login
-Possible to hide server compltely
-Possible to restrict max users per IP
-Possible to restrict max normal/anonymous users
-Possible to deny connection from any IP/Domain
-Possible to have user accounts which skip the max users limitation
-Possible to define attributes for anonymous account
-Possible to detect ftp client type on anonymouse accounts
-Encrypt and decrypt personal files via site commands

[Raiden Virtual File System]
-Completely hide Win32 physical paths
-True file-level owner/group/permission system for Win98/Me/Nt/2000
-Supports for UNC , Harddisk , Floopy , CD-Rom , DVD-Rom , Network Drive
-Supports for URL path decoding (Raw URL decode , optional)

-Supports for group root directories and user home directories
-Supports for UL/DL speed limit under specified path
-Supports for disk quota at any virtual path
-Supports for free files
-Supports for CRC32/MD5/ZIP/RAR/LHA checking
-Supports for MP3 media file information (id3 tag , freq. bitrate information)
-Supports for directory message file
-Supports for event triggers for CWD/MKD/RMD/STOR/RETR ftp commands
-Supports for ultra fast file/directory searching via site commands
-Supports for duplicate file checking under specified virtual path (online and offline files)
-Possible to hide hidden files
-Possible to set/query complete date and time information on files through MDTM command
-Possible to mount any disk drive or directories at anywhere in the Virtual File System
-Compatible with MBCS operating system (Chinese/Japanese and ETC)
-Resume on UL/DL , using APPE,REST methods
-Possible to deny overwrite on files marked as good (option)
-Complete date and time directory listing switch (LIST -T)
-Ultra fast file I/O
-Media I/O error detection
-Dupe check for filename and directory name

[User Interface]
-True real-time server and client activities monitor
-Operate on servers and clients directly via object oriented interface
-Possible to run in hidden mode
-Talk with ftp clients via GUI
-Screen LOG (can be disabled for performance reason)
-Server editor
-User/group editor
-Ip/domain access rules editor
-Virtual File System Editor
-Scheduler editor
-Log/message/preference setup dialog
-Setup wizard
-Live update
-Raiden LOG Analyzer
-sysop mails viewer , and chat with ftp client dialog box
-RaidenEditor , message file editor
-DupeMaker , online and offline files database builder
-RaidenService , WinNT/2000 system service installer

[Bandwidth Restriction / Load Balancing]
-Possible to define max in/out bytes per period
-Possible to choose which IP shall the server use to offer data connections
-Speed limit on user accounts and virtual paths
-Inbound & Outbound bandwidth throttle system
-Download restrictions for max concurrent DL/UL users under user account/group/server

[LOG System]
-Log to screen and disk file
-Log filename rotation (weekly , monthly , yearly)
-Possible to enable detailed debug mode (debug.txt)
-Weekly/Monthly statistic data
-Records last 10 created directories on the server
-Built-in graphical LOG analyzer

-Possible to start/stop a server at specified time
-Possible to launch any external program at RaidenFTPD startup
-Possible to execute any external program at specified time

[Programming Interface]
-Event triggers can be used to call external programs and scripts and http CGI request submission
-27 events , 69 variables and 6 system functions
-21 types of message files for each user language and 5 more default message files for all user languages
-Async/sync methods to execute external programs upon events
-Possible to creaet custom site commands
-Allows creation of interactive site commands pack and interaction with events

-All time top uploaders/downloaders report via system functions
-Weekly top uploaders/downloaders via site commands
-Weekly top upload/download groups via site commands
-Connections and bandwidth statistics for each server and whole system

[FTP Protocol]

[Site Commands]
-cat addip delip adduser
-adduser deluser list chgrp
-chown chlvl chratio chlogin
-close open show reload
-disable enable move kick
-nuke free give take
-who race dnfo tagline
-comment onel urlget chpass
-chmod unfo stealth new
-utop alup dtop aldn
-wkup wkdn gpwu gpwd
-encrypt decrypt time mp3
-msg dupe srch undupe
-eggtalk uchanges authpass xdupe
-xwho sync expire

[Eggdrop/IRC Connectivities]
-Supports for Eggdrop 1.3x +
-Auto reconnect if connection closes
-27 events , 69 variables for Eggdrop messages
-Possible to send commands to Eggdrop directly from FTP client


REVISION 2.2 , 2002/10/16