Site commands are sets of extended commands that can be issued by a ftp client , and they are not defined in RFC , they are supported by various ftp servers , and different servers ususally have different supprted site commands . The RaidenFTPD also supports many site commands to extend the functionalities of a standard Ftp server . Here are a list of commands and user guides to the commands that RaidenFTPD supports .

Account administration related

site adduser [username] [password] [groupname]
level(s) allowed to execute : root,super

the server will add the user [username] to the server with a password of [password] and group [groupname]. The user will default to a ratio of 1:4, with a max login = 2, and the level of guest. Root users can add users to other groups. Super can add users to his own group.

[note] site adduser [username] [password] will also work. The groupname will default to the issuer's group.

ex: site adduser john hdsa89 homies

site deluser [username]
level(s) allowed to execute : root

the server will remove this user from the user accounts.

ex: site deluser john

site expire [username] YYYY/MM/DD or site expire [username] 0
level(s) allowed to execute : root

the server will set account expiration date for user or remove the expiration date from user account

ex: site expire john 2002/10/25 <- set user account john's expiration date to 2002/10/25

ex: site expire john 0 <- remove expiration date from user account john

site addip [username] [ipaddress]
level(s) allowed to execute : root,super

the server will add the [ipaddress] to the allowing list for user [username]

ex: site addip john

site delip [username] [ipaddress]
level(s) allowed to execute : root

the server will remove the [username@ipaddress] from the IP allowing list

[note]site delip [ipaddress] , also works , to remove IP for all users

ex: site delip john , site delip

site chgrp [User] [Groupname]
level(s) allowed to execute : root

the server will Change User's Group name , the group name should not contain any space character

ex: site chgrp root rootgroup

site chpass [username] [password]
level(s) allowed to execute : root,super,normal

the server will change and update the password for specified user , please note that the root level users can change anyone's password and the super or the normal level users can only change their own password .

ex: site chpass john mypassaa

site chratio [User] [Ratio]
level(s) allowed to execute : root

the server will Change User's ratio , note that the Ratio factor can be between 0-9 , 0 means unlimited.and 1-9 means 1:1-1:9 (UL/DL)

ex: site chratio john 3

will make john's ratio 1:3 (UL/DL)

site chlvl [User] [Level]
level(s) allowed to execute : root

by sending this command by Ftp client to RaidenFTPD , the server will Change User's level , note that the level factor can be between 0-3 , where 0 is root , 1 is super , 2 is normal and 3 is guest level.

ex: site chlvl john 1

will make john's level super

site chlogin [User] [Logins]
level(s) allowed to execute : root

by sending this command by Ftp client to RaidenFTPD , the server will Change User's max logins per account , note that the Logins factor can be between 0-9

ex: site chlogin john 5

will make john's to have 5 max logins

site tagline [short text]
level(s) allowed to execute : root,super,normal,guest

the server will change your tagline (comment) to your user account , a comment is a short description to this user

ex: site tagline I LIKE RAIDENFTPD

site disable [User]
level(s) allowed to execute : root,super

the server will Disable an user's account (the account is still there) . Super users can disable users in their group only

ex: site disable john

site enable [User]
level(s) allowed to execute : root,super

the server will enable an user's account . Super users can enable users in their group only

ex: site enable john

site unfo [username]
level(s) allowed to execute : root,super,normal

the server will return the current user information and currently logged in user list under this account , or if you specify an username the server will return the user info you specified , only root users can list all users , and super users can only list same group users

ex: site unfo

site list ip , site list user
level(s) allowed to execute : root,super

the server will list all allowed IPs on this server or all users/group on this server .

ex: site list ip , site list user

site kick [username]
level(s) allowed to execute : root,super

the server will kick an user , Super users can only kick same group users

ex: site kick peter

site stealth
level(s) allowed to execute : root,super,normal

the server turn the current ftp session into stealth mode (run it again to turn off stealth mode again) , when your session is in stealth mode , no event triggers will occur , and your activity will be "hidden mode" when other user types a site who , however , root users can still see the activities without any limitation

ex: site stealth

site give [username] [MB credit]
level(s) allowed to execute : root

by sending this command by Ftp client to RaidenFTPD , the server will add [MB credit] mb of download credits to the user [username]

ex: site give peter 333

site take [username] [MB credit]
level(s) allowed to execute : root

by sending this command by Ftp client to RaidenFTPD , the server will take [MB credit] mb of download credits away from the user [username]

ex: site take peter 435

site uchanges [clear]
level(s) allowed to execute : root

by sending this command by Ftp client to RaidenFTPD , the server will displays userfile changes by all root/super level users , or send a site uchanges clear to clear the file

ex: site uchanges

ex: site uchanges clear


Filesystem related

site chmod [mode] [filename]
level(s) allowed to execute : root,super,normal

the server will change the dir/file [mode] for [filename] , the [mode] can varies from 000-777 and the [filename] can contain wildcard character * or spaces

The first number applies to the owner of the directory. The second number applies to users in the same group as the owner. The third number sets permissions for users outside of the owner's group.

A value of 0 indicates NO permissions. 1 allows execute. 2 allows write. 4 allows read. The values add together. So 6 is 4+2 (read + write access)...

ex: site chmod 775 * this will change all files/dirs under current directory to mode 775

ex: site chmod 760 john.mp3 this will change john.mp3 to mode 760

site chown [username]:[groupname] [filename]
level(s) allowed to execute : root

the server will change the owner/group for [filename] , the [filename] can contain wildcard * or spaces

ex: site chown john:root *

ex: site chown john:root readme.txt

site race or site dnfo
level(s) allowed to execute : root,super,normal

the server will display the following information : directory info of the current virtual directory , the directory info contains files , total file size , uploaders/groups information of the current virtual directory

ex: site race

site cat [filename] or site type [filename]
level(s) allowed to execute : root,super

the server will output the content of [filename] to the client , it is usually used for text files only . the [filename] can contain space characters . note that the [filename] can not contain path , and RaidenFTPD only searchs for the file in the ftp current directory .

ex: site cat readme.txt

site free [filename]
level(s) allowed to execute : root

the server will set the [filename] freely downloadable even if the user has no download credit at all , note that this file still needs to have 'R' flag so users can read it .

note : filename can be a single file or can also contain wildcard

ex: site free

site srch [keyword]
level(s) allowed to execute : root,super,normal

the server will return a list of directories and files which match the keyword .

note : the site srch command only search from your online or offline dupe database , it does not search from disk

note : the keyword can be in uppercase or lowercase , it can contain multiple keywords also

ex: site srch raiden ftp

site encrypt [filename]
level(s) allowed to execute : root,super,normal

the server will encrypt the [filename] according to the current user's special signature value , in the other word the encrypted file can only be decrypted by the same user .

note : works in current directory only , [filename] can not contain path

ex: site encrypt

site decrypt [filename]
level(s) allowed to execute : root,super,normal

the server will decrypt the [filename] according to the current user's special signature value , in the other word the user can only decrypt the files which are encrypted by himself .

note : works in current directory only , [filename] can not contain path

ex: site decrypted

site move [pathname]
level(s) allowed to execute : root

the server will move all files and directories (virtual current directory) to the [pathname] , note that the [pathname] is still a virtual path , it does not need to exist , however its parent directory must exist

note : requires the user account to have X flag on current directory and W flag on target directory .

ex: site move /uploads/newdir

the /uploads should be existed prior to this command

site urlget [url]
level(s) allowed to execute : root,super,normal

by sending this command by Ftp client to RaidenFTPD , the server will get the file in the [url] to the ftp current directory , note that this operation is performed in the background , hence you can send multiple site urlget commands and the RaidenFTPD will manage to get them for you .

the [url] can be in the following format


ex :


ex :


ex : ftp://john:pass/

site new
level(s) allowed to execute : root,super,normal

the server will return a list of latest 10 directories made by ftp users under this server .

ex: site new

site mp3
level(s) allowed to execute : root,super,normal

the server will return mp3 information for all .mp3 files found under the current virtual directory

ex: site mp3

site nuke [dirname]|[multiplier]|[reason]
level(s) allowed to execute : (root,super,normal) + group=nukers

the server will rename [dirname] to [nuked][dirname] , and keep this record in /message/site-nukes.msg , users can type site nukes to see current nukes.

note : only users with group=nukers can execute this command

note : multiplier is not implemented yet , but reserved

ex: site nuke dos editor|3|we dont use dos

note: this command is for use with site administrators to clean up unwanted directories without giving out X flag on virtual paths

note: use site unnuke [dirname] , to return to the original status

Server related

site sync m2d / site sync d2m
level(s) allowed to execute : root

When using mem-db user database , you can issue this site sync m2d command to force the server to write the user database from memory to disk , or issue site sync d2m to force the server to load user database from disk user file to mem-db

ex: site sync m2d

site utop
level(s) allowed to execute : root,super,normal

the server will return a list of top 10 uploaders under this server .

ex: site utop

site utop
level(s) allowed to execute : root,super,normal

the server will return a list of top 10 uploaders under this server .

ex: site utop

site dtop
level(s) allowed to execute : root,super,normal

the server will return a list of top 10 downloaders under this server .

ex: site dtop

site wkup
level(s) allowed to execute : root,super,normal

the server will return a list of top 10 uploaders during this week

note : you can display this list in /message/*.msg file by inserting the following line into *.msg file


ex: site wkup

site wkdn
level(s) allowed to execute : root,super,normal

the server will return a list of top 10 downloaders during this week

note : you can display this list in /message/*.msg file by inserting the following line into *.msg file


ex: site wkdn

site gpwu
level(s) allowed to execute : root,super,normal

the server will return a list of top 10 uploading groups during this week

note : you can display this list in /message/*.msg file by inserting the following line into *.msg file


ex: site gpwu

site gpwd
level(s) allowed to execute : root,super,normal

the server will return a list of top 10 downloading groups during this week

note : you can display this list in /message/*.msg file by inserting the following line into *.msg file


ex: site gpwd

site mnup
level(s) allowed to execute : root,super,normal

the server will return a list of top 10 uploaders during this month

note : you can display this list in /message/*.msg file by inserting the following line into *.msg file


ex: site mnup

site mndn
level(s) allowed to execute : root,super,normal

the server will return a list of top 10 downloaders during this month

note : you can display this list in /message/*.msg file by inserting the following line into *.msg file


ex: site mndn

site gpmu
level(s) allowed to execute : root,super,normal

the server will return a list of top 10 uploading groups during this month

note : you can display this list in /message/*.msg file by inserting the following line into *.msg file


ex: site gpmu

site gpmd
level(s) allowed to execute : root,super,normal

the server will return a list of top 10 downloading groups during this month

note : you can display this list in /message/*.msg file by inserting the following line into *.msg file


ex: site gpmd

site reload
level(s) allowed to execute : root

the server will reload the *.ftpd file without a restarting of RaidenFTPD .

note : all connected users will stay connected

ex: site reload

site close
level(s) allowed to execute : root

the server be refuse to accept more connections immediatelly

note : the server will refuse to accept new connections, but existing connections will remain connected.

ex: site close

site open
level(s) allowed to execute : root

the server will be reopened , if it was previously closed

ex: site open

site show
level(s) allowed to execute : root

restore the GUI if it was previously made hidden

ex: site show

site time
level(s) allowed to execute : root,super,normal,guest

the server will return the local time and date to the ftp client .
ex: site time

site who
level(s) allowed to execute : root,super,normal

the server will return a list of currently online users . This information will contain the username , groupname , user's ip address and the last actions of users .

ex: site who

site onel [Short Message]
level(s) allowed to execute : root,super,normal

the server will Insert your short text into the message board , and if you wish to display the message board in any message file just add a line in /message/*.msg


note that it must be placed in the beginning of a line

ex: site onel I LOVE RaidenFTPD


REVISION 2.4 , 2003/04/08