myÜlenky publikace - resumΘ Transformace drobnΘho a st°ednφho podnikßnφ v podmφnkßch elektronickΘ komerce je publikovßna jako souborn² celek zahrnujφcφ argumentaci zm∞ny podnikatelskΘho prost°edφ vlivem rozvoje informaΦnφch technologiφ, vyvozenφ zßv∞r∙ p°evß₧n∞ pro drobnΘ a st°ednφ podnikatelskΘ subjekty, rozbor a popis vÜech krok∙, kterΘ jsou pot°ebnΘ k sprßvnΘ implementaci nov²ch prvk∙ do stßvajφcφ funkce podniku. Hlavnφ myÜlenkou prßce je analyzovat proces ekonomicko-marketingov²ch zm∞n, kterΘ vypl²vajφ z rozvoje trhu. Pokud se podnikatelΘ budou schopni v krßtkΘm ΦasovΘm horizontu nauΦit vyu₧φvat v²hod, kterΘ jim rozvoj informaΦnφch technologiφ v Φele s celosv∞tovou sφtφ Internet p°inßÜφ, mohou zφskat novΘ v²hody, kterΘ jim äfyzick²ô sv∞t pln∞ neumo₧≥oval. Cel² proces je ve svΘm zßklad∞ jednoduch², ·sp∞ch spoΦφvß v harmonizaci sledu a vyu₧itφ jednotliv²ch nßstroj∙ tak, aby v²sledn² efekt m∞l dobr² dopad na podnik a nezat∞₧oval ho.Tyto metody a postupy podrobn∞ p°ibli₧uje a vysv∞tluje tato diplomovß prßce. Rozvoj Internetu zatφm zaznamenal nejv∞tÜφ dynamiku rozÜφ°enφ oproti vÜem technick²m vynßlez∙m. Slo₧enφ u₧ivatel∙ a procento p°ipojen²ch firem p°edurΦuje Internet k velkΘmu rozmachu a v souΦasnosti p°evß₧n∞ v obchodnφch aktivitßch. Na zßklad∞ sumarizovan²ch fakt∙ vychßzφ stanovenß hypotΘza. Pokud podnikatelsk² subjekt v nejbli₧Üφch 5 letech (cca do roku 2005) nezapojφ novΘ prvky elektronickΘ komerce a prezentace do sv²ch aktivit, m∙₧e se velmi snadno stßt nekonkurenceschopn²m, a to i v klasick²ch formßch podnikßnφ. Postup zapojovßnφ nov²ch p°φnos∙ informaΦnφch technologiφ jsem nazval procesem transformace. Stejn∞ jako jin² transformaΦnφ proces i v tomto p°φpad∞ je nutnΘ dodr₧et sled implementace a sledovat zßsady, kterΘ se i b∞hem krßtkΘ doby vytvo°ily. Jednß se o fßze, vytvo°enφ p°φstupu na Internet, anal²zy vlastnφch mo₧nostφ a konkurenΦnφch krok∙, vytvo°enφ hlavnφ Φßsti prezentace na vhodn²ch parametrech, systΘm sprßvy a principu zm∞n, zapojenφ se do aktivit elektronickΘho obchodu, velkoobchodu Φi aukΦnφch systΘm∙. Nepostradatelnou zm∞nou je transformace systΘm∙ prßce s informacemi uvnit° podniku. Elektronickß komerce se ji₧ stala sv∞tov²m standardem v²voje obchodu a tato diplomovß prßce mß napomoci snadn∞jÜφ orientaci, implementaci a vedenφ nov²ch aktivit v drobnΘm a st°ednφm podnikßnφ. |
Φßst The transformation of small and medium business in conditions of electronic commerce is published as a complex total including the argumentation of the change of enterpreneurÆs atmosphere influenced by the development of information technologies, deducing conclusions predominantly for small and medium enterpreneurÆs subjects, analysis and description of all steps which are necessary for a correct implementation of new elements into existing functions of an enterprise. The main idea of this work is analysing the process of economic-marketing changes which result from the development of the market. If enterpreneurs are able, within a short time horizon, to learn to exploit the advantages which the development of information technologies at the head with world wide net Internet brings to them, they can gain new advantages which theôphysicalô world didnÆt fully enable to them.The whole process is, in its base, simple, success is based on harmonization of the sequence and the exploitation of component tools, so that the final effect could have a good impact on the enterprise and would not charge it. These methods and techniques are treated and explained in detail in this diploma work. The development of Internet has achieved so far the biggest dynamics comparing with all technical inventions. The composition of the users and the percentage of member firms predetermine Internet to great boom and at present time predominantly in commercial activities. On the base of the summarized facts the given hypothesis is founded. If a enterpreneurÆs subject in the next 5 years (approximately till the year 2005) doesnÆt involve new elements of electronic commerce and presentation in its activities, it can become incapable of competition very easily, also in classical forms of business. I have called the process of involving of new contributions of information technologies a process of transformation. Similarly to other process of transformation, also in this case it is necessary to maintain the sequence of implementation and follow the rules which have been created even within a short time period. It concerns phases, creating the access to Internet, analyses of own possibilities and competitorÆs steps, creating the main part of presentation on suitable parameters, systems of management and of principle of changes, involving in activities of electronic commerce, wholesale trade or auction systems. The indispensable change is the transformation of systems of work with information inside the enterprise.
commerce has already become world standard of the development of commerce
and this diploma work wants to help for an easier orientation,
implementation and conducting new activities in small and medium business.