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ExHook - exlife's spooler message hook provider

download it now !version 1.01

ExHook enhances the ExLife by adding a spooler message hook provider. This provider changes the entry points for grabbing messages from the system.

ExHook grabs the incoming and outgoing messages outside of MS Exchange Client (MS Windows Messaging, MS Outlook). It means between the client program and a transport provider. This possibility might be sometimes very important because some transport providers don't allow to manipulate with messages after they reach the client program.

Therefore is you have a problem with processing messages in ExLife, try to install ExHook to change the point of processing. All possibilities are preserved. But first, if I can recommend you, be sure that you filter rules are doing what you want. You can get it with 'Filter - offline inbox assistant' command in tools menu.

Remember that ExLife has to be installed on your system.

the way and point of grabbing messages from the system
  ExLife ExHook
Inbound messages The messages are processed after they are delivered to the default receive folder for the message's message class. The messages are processed after a transport provider receives them but before the messages are delivered to the default receive folder for the message's message class.
Outbound messages The messages' copies are processed after they are stored in the default sent items folder for the message's message class.
"Save copies of messages in Sent Items folder" option has to be enabled.
The messages are processed after transport providers have delivered the messages to any underlying messaging system but before the message's copies are stored in the default sent items folder for the message's message class.
"Save copies of messages in Sent Items folder" option doesn't have to be enabled.


  • MS Windows 95 or MS Windows NT 3.51/4.0
  • MS Exchange Client (Windows Messaging) or MS Outlook
  • installed ExLife

ExHook doesn't work with MS Exchange Client version 4.0.410.xx (bundled with the first release of Windows 95).
After successful installation, ExHook isn't loaded to MS Exchange and when you run the properties option in the Service dialog (on ExHook for ExLife (LM) item) you get error - 'Messaging services DLL could not be loaded 0-[80040605]'.
To correct this problem it's necessary to upgrade to MS Windows Messaging ( or to any newer version of MS Exchange Client.

Now, you can download ExHook v1.01.
Don't forget that ExHook doesn't work without installed ExLife.

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