Menu Path: View/Sound Enhancement

DFX, available as an additional plug-in, is designed to dramatically enhance the listening experience for users of digital audio formats such as MP3, and MUSICMATCH MX.

To install DFX

  1. Open the menu View/Sound Enhancement and choose Select

  2. From the Select DSP screen, click Get New, a browser window will open allowing you to download the plug-in. (Internet connection required).

  3. Go to the DSP plug-in page and select DFX. Click the link.

  4. The plug-in will install for you automatically.

To use DFX

  • Open the menu View/Sound Enhancement, choose Select, click on DFX in the window, then click OK.

  • The DFX plug in is now available to use. To view it, go to the menu View/Sound Enhancement then choose Show UI. The DFX interface will open in active mode.

If a DFX slider is active, the indicator to the left will be green

Move each slider to the level that fits your listening preferences. Below are explanations for each sliders purpose.

To close DFX

Go to the menu View/Sound Enhancement and uncheck the Show UI and Enable options.

  • Controls


Also see:

Volume Leveling